There are four names that everyone knows.
Four creatures that have stalked the earth since the dawn of the very first day.
These creatures are believed by some to be a myth or a legend or a dark tale told to children, urging them to be good people in this cruel world.
But anyone that pays attention, anyone that listens to the murmurs in the alleyways or the stifled cries in the back room, will know that these creatures are not imaginary, these hideous monsters are not characters in a fairy tale.
These beings are real.
They wreak havoc down upon our tiny world day after day and yet we do next to nothing to defend ourselves.
We sit in silence, accepting our fate and the fates of all those around us.
We wait to meet these creatures in turn and allow them to devour us without putting up a fight.
These creatures are War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death.
There is a prophesy that at the end of times, these creatures will be summoned from the shadows and shall cast a great apocalypse upon the earth.
And it is during these times that these creatures will be at their strongest. Inflicting destruction across the world in a magnitude never before seen on this or any other planet.
But what if it didn't have to be that way?
What if the people of this tiny world were to defend the peace and happiness that they so badly strive for?
What if just one person had enough courage to try, enough arrogance to think they might succeed, enough willingness to put in the effort and actually go out there and do something that makes a difference.
The world is harsh.
But what if just one person, truly believed that they could change it.
AdventureSome people are willing to sit back and accept their fate. Willing to allow events to unfold as they should. Willing to not get involved. Some aren't.