This is how all began...

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Your POV (1st person):
     I wiggled around as I waited in line to order your coffee. I was glad to have learned Korean in middle school and all throughout high school or else this trip would have been a disaster. Already people were eyeing me strangely and asking me to repeat things slowly because of my accent. Not knowing any Korean like the other students that came along would have been so ridiculously hard to get around. Since my ethnicity is half American and Japanese and I am trilingual (with English, Japanese, and mentioned earlier Korean), my Japanese pronunciation of words give you a slight advantage in speaking Korean. It gave me a thinner accent. But the pronunciation between the two are still different. I was standing in a small private cafe that was scored highly on Yelp. I ordered my drink which took a while since the cashier had a little difficulty picking up my words. Also, I didn't have any Korean money and both you and the cashier had no idea how to convert the money.
        "My boss, the owner of this cafe has traveled a lot due to his previous job. He might be able to help you convert the money. Please stand over there while I get him." The cashier lady said politely in a high pitched voice as she walked towards a door. She opened it and rushes inside the room the door lead to. After about a minute she skipped out with a smiley and beautiful man behind her. The man looked so familiar but I couldn't pick up who he was. He greeted me with a big friendly smile that warmed my hear immediately. We both bowed as a greeting as he pulled me aside to a table.
     "Annyeounghaseo! I've heard you had some money converting problems so I can here to help!" He giggled as he pulled a chair out for you. You studied his face recognizing the pointy nose, thin lips, and deep dimples. But who?
      "Thank you so much, I hope I didn't cause to much trouble." I replied blushing from embarrassment and his beauty.
     "Don't worry about it! Are you a tourist?" He asked as he counted the silver coins and paper bills from my wallet.
      "No... I'm a college student from the U.S. and traveled to South Korea as a three month intern."
       "The U.S. huh. I haven't been there in a while..." He gazed up with a dreamy look in his eyes. He sighed with delight as if he was recalling a memory. "I used to go there once a year with some friends... What intern is this for?"
        "Well... I'm here to study about k pop production and how it's made. I major in video production and photography." I replied as I watched his smooth fingers tighten when I said "k pop".
         "You're into Kpop!?!" He gasped but in an excited way.
         "Yeah... I also like to draw and dance..." I added. His eyes lid up as he sprang out of his seat.
         "You're a dancer!?!" He cheered, "I'm a dancer too!" He started to pop his arms and performed a beautiful improvised dance routine. His technical waves were smooth, his technique was on point, his moves were sharp, he was almost like a robot. The people siting around us shifted their seas to watch the wonderful performance the man pulled off. Soon the whole cafe was full of cheers and claps as the man bowed at the attention and widened his smile. His dancing was unbelievable!!! Suddenly something hit me.
        "J-HOPE!?!" I screamed as my inner fangirl started to build up. The whole room went dead silent as jaws of the costumes dropped. The man's awkward expression suddenly changed into a big grin as he squished me tightly.
       "OMG someone actually remembers me!!!" He squealed as he jumped around with his arms still rapped around me. I couldn't hold it anymore, my inner fangirl burst out of me like a rocket shooting into space.
       "I love you and BTS so much! KYAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" I screamed while hugging him back. The crowd of people confusingly went back into their own conversations while we were squeezing eachother. Hobi smelled like vanilla and felt so nice and warm in my arms. My heart beat raced as he released me from his powerful dancer arms. He blushed lightly in the cheeks as he stuffed my coins and bills into the wallet and handed it back to me. "I haven't paid you yet."
       "Friends can come here for free!" He winked as I caught myself blushing. "I thought I was already forgotten since no one listens to our music or plays our songs on the radio anymore... It's nice to know that there's an ARMY that still loves me after BTS disbanded..." I hugged him and nodded to his words. It hurts to see this little angel speak in such a sad tone. I look at my writs watch only to see that it's 1:15. I am supposed to meet the other students at the hotel at 1:25!!! I only have ten minutes when it takes twenty to get there! I explained to J-Hope and sprinted towards the exit. I felt a hard blob whack against me as I was knocked down to the floor. I looked up to see that I ran into a man. I apologized and ran out the door in a panic. The one things I didn't realize at the time was that my wallet was knocked out of my hand when I bumped into the man.

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