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This is a collab with @Emy7321 & @Skyward_Lord so yes this is Emy right now >:3 so ENJOY MY PEEPS!!!! ~Emy

-hides in corner updating and addding an evil itachi- Dani

'/-\' itachi <___< Emy

Chapter 1:

Sai's POV:

My heart was racing and my lungs burning, but I couldn't stop. If I did I knew they'd kill me without hesitation. Another shot was fired in my direction and again I ducked down hoping to evade it. It didn't seem like luck was on my side today. I cried out then gritted my teeth as the bullet graze the side of my stomach. Damn it I have to keep running no matter what. I clutched my side, where the bullet hit me and kept running in zigzag. I continued knocking down trash cans and really anything that'd earn me time, trying to ignore the wound. I've had worse than this, I can still run.

"Get back here Sai! Your death will be worse if you keep running!" they shouted after me, I ignored them.

I'd at least have a chance in surviving if I kept running. Of course I ignored them, death is death, no matter how harsh it is I'll die if I stop running and I'll die if I get caught. The only choice left for me was to just not get caught, but I need to lose them first. Another shot was fired and luckily it hit the wall next to me. My legs were starting to burn so I tried my best to ignore them, but I couldn't ignore everything. The wound was starting to slow me down.

"Sai stop fucking running, you little bitch! Why don't you come and face us instead of running away like a big pussy?!?!" they were starting to get pissed.

I didn't reply because I knew I'd just be wasting the breath I didn't have. I needed to find a place to hide and quick, but these guys weren't gonna just leave me alone. What I'd give for a gun right now. The Foundation had found out about some big mission I failed and the leader Danzo sent some men to kill me. It's not the fact that I failed the mission that angered him, it was the reason why I failed the mission. I shook my self out of thought, I need to focus on getting away. I continued to run until I found an opening in the wall just a few feet away from me. Another bullet was shot my way, it nearly missed my ear as it flew by and hit the brick wall beside me.

"Sai, you son of a bitch get back here!!" one of the men chasing me yelled after me the frustration was clear in his voice.

He was catching up faster than the others, damn it, I glanced down at the wound and saw blood was already covering my hand. Sooner or later I'd collapse, I need to get to the opening up ahead before that happened. I rushed over and slid in through the small opening. The space was so small I could barely fit meaning the guys chasing me surely couldn't fit, they were too buff for it. I ran- more like shuffled- until I came to a huge hole in the ground, this made me hold my wound tighter. More blood gushed out onto my hand, so I put more pressure against it to try a stop it. The asphalt was crumbling inward toward it, only making things harder than it already was. I heard the guys coming closer, damn if they shoot I won't be able to dodge it. Of course bullets were shot so I had no choice but to jump in the hole for a safe place to hide. They'd have to go away sooner or later right? I pushed myself away from the wall and into the hole just in time.

"Sai get back here you piece of shit!", I heard one of them shout, I ignored them again.

I'll just have to wait on here until they left to get backup. I decided that when they left i would get out of this hole and go into hiding. Yeah I guess that was the best plan of action. The hole suddenly just closed over me, my eyes widened what the hell is going on? Is this some kind of trap? Then I realized that I was still falling even though I jumped in here like 5 seconds ago, it usually just takes like a milliseconds, just how deep is this hole? I felt panic start to rise inside of me, what's going on here? I shifted all my weight to one side so that I'd flip over and I was now facing the bottom. The only problem was I couldn't see any sort of thing that'd resemble the bottom. Every where I looked was pitch black, I still scanned the area to see if my eyes could catch at least a spot if color, nothing, there was just black, black, and even more black. Was I even falling anymore? You know now that I think about it felt more like I was floating- wait could it be? I reached up to try to touch my face but didn't feel a thing. Was I....dead? My whole body was numb and everywhere I looked was black not to mention the feeling of floating instead if falling. Frustration started to take over the panic.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2014 ⏰

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