Chapter 1: Haters Gonna Hate

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Caeline's POV
Kpop?!?!? EWWWW!!! THEY ARE GAY!!! None of them are even handsome!!! They can't even sing properly! Plus, they wear make-up! They are gay!

Hi! I'm Caeline the biggest Kpop hater you would meet. I don't actually hate them, I just don't like them. Wait, that's the same thing... But in school, they call me as the "biggest" hater ever in the history of kpop! Why wouldn't I bash them??? They wear make-up and look gay! You agree with me right? Hayss... My classmates defend the groups they fangirl on, but I still continue hating on them...

--- fast forward ---

Another day at school~~~ Means another day of sorrow... And it's Friday!!! I want to sleep more!!!

*just arrived at school*

I stepped in our classroom, I saw my classmates dancing to some kpop songs... Ugh! What a great way to start the day! *insert sarcasm*
"Really guys? This early? Can't you wait until break time??" I told them in an annoyed voice... I rolled my eyes while walking to my seat. "What's your problem? Is it that time of the month? *everyone laughs*" Wow! Everybody laughed at me! But, I just ignored them and I buried my head into my table...

I still heard their music... Now it's even worse, they weren't just dancing, they were singing too! "What the?!?! You can sing it too?!?!?! It's not even the same language that we use!!! You guys are unbelievable right now!!!" At first, I thought I was just saying it to myself, and then I realized that I actually said it out loud.

"Huh! I swear Caeline if you become a kpop fan!!! You'll be jamming with us!" Jewel shouted at me, I answered, "If I BECOME! Which will never happen! I promise myself I wil not turn into gay loving zombies like you!" Jewel rolled her eyes at me. Jewel is a close friend of mine, even if she is a kpop fan. I just get annoyed when she plays kpop music instead of 'normal' music.

Finally, the teacher came in! Phew! I thought I was going to listen to that music for a whole period. I can't really focus on what the teacher was saying and I don't know why.

I'm having a hard time catching up at school lately, I've been really busy with stuff. And I get only at least 6 hours of sleep a day. If only I had inspiration or motivation.

--- lunch time ---

After 4 hours of suffering, we finally get to eat! Yey! I'm so~~~ looking forward to eat!!! I'm so hungry! My friend came with me to get our luch at the school canteen. And unfortunately, I didn't like what was on the menu so I just got some ice cream instead, even though I was really hungry for real food! //sad life for me//

Me and Jaden //she's a girl btw// went back to our classroom, guess what music was playing??? If you guessed Kpop, you're right! Jewel and Nikki were watching a music video of a kpop group, I didn't know what griup was that though...

I was sort of in a bad mood since I didn't get to eat any real food and hearing that kind of music, makes it even worse! But even if I don't like their taste in music, it's our squad's tradition to eat together at lunch. As per usual, I sat beside Jewel, I think she noticed that I was in a bad mood so she stopped playing the music. "Why did you stop?" I asked her, while having a blank expression on my face, I didn't want to show everybody that I was in a bad mood, since I was known to be always smiling and laughing. "Nothing, it looks like you're in a not-so-good mood."

How does she know I'm in a bad mood?

"Oh! Did you notice? I'm sorry, but you could continue playing the music though... I won't get bothered, I promise! Oh! And what group is that?" I let them play their music, but just this time only! So they better make the best of it! "Yeah of course I noticed it! I know you when you're quiet! But hey, since when did you get intrested on knowing what groups are we playing??" A smirk appeared on her face. Honestly, I regret asking that question, I was just trying to get along with them. "Nothing, is it bad?"

"No!!! It's actually good that you're asking questions!!! You might become a fan!!!" I rolled my eyes at Jewel, I wasn't really amused at what she said. But, the thought of me becoming a kpop fan went through my mind, surprisingly, it made me smile. "But seriously Caeline, we're watching Seventeen's new music video!!! Awwww!!! Mingyu is so cute I cannot!" Because of Jewel screaming and shaking me, I snapped back to reality. I must never be a kpop fan! They are gay! Nothing can change that! It's my promise to myself! I wouldn't want to break it!

"Who's Mingyu?" I asked Jewel, I don't know why but I suddenly turned curious about Seventeen. "Mingyu is the best person ever! And he's my husband!" Woah! If only you saw her reaction when she was saying that! She sounded insane!!! Right now, I'm really curious about Seventeen, it seems like they're a great group!

Wait what? No!!! Caeline get this out of your head~~~ At least watch one of their music videos, right?

"How about, you let me watch one of their music videos? I can do a reaction and stuff!" I told them excitedly! Their jaws drop with what I said, I was in a bad mood, I didn't have anything to do anyways. Plus, the our math teacher didn't come, so that means we have an hour to do anything we want. In my case, I'm going to watch my first Kpop Music Video.

"Are you sure ---? You might get into it!" Nikki said while having an intimidating smile on her face. "Huh! As if they can pass my standards! I'm just going to insult them throughout the video!" I answered in my defense.

Before I watched the video, my mind was debating.

Should I watch it or not? What if I get into it? You're a strong person Caeline! One video can't change your mind! And, if you do get into it, //these words made my heart break, I might break my promise!// But, there is no way they can pass me! I have pretty high standards when it comes to music!

I finally made up my mind, I'm going to watch the video. It wouldn't hurt right?

Jewel was still looking for the video in her phone, it was saved on her youtube. I took a peek because I was getting impatient.

"25 offline videos?!?!?! And everything is about KPOP?!?!?" I shouted with my eyes wide. I was really shocked! But Jewel responded with her eyes looking up, "Duh! If you turn into a fangirl, you'll be like me too!"

Ok, some of the words here might offend KPop fans. Especially the word, "gay" I am sorry for that, but it is a part of the story! Don't worry! I don't think they're gay!

Plus, Chapter 1 is too short... All my chapters are going to be short... That's why this is going to be a story with a lot of chapters, trust me.

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