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Tarajii POV

I'm Taraji P Howard and this is my rollercoaster ride,my Ex husband Terrence Howard scum of the earth well actually we still married legally but me and him aren't together. I won't get into my marriage with Terrence right now but we do have two beautiful children my oldest son Jussie 21 and my baby girl Princess 7,we separated about three years ago and still settling with this Co parenting thing but I don't even care about Terrence now all I'm focused on is my babies and my work. Today it's Friday and Terrence is coming over to fetch Princess and Jussie.

Jussie:What time will dad be here?
Taraji:Any minutes from now
Taraji:I'll miss you this weekend
Jussie:You say that every Friday mom
Taraji:It's true!
Jussie:That's his car.

Jussie went upstairs to get Princess and I went to door before he could knock the door swung open, i just hate seeing his face on my door step but it's what I have to put up with every weekend.

Taraji:Get in!
Terrence:Move Rude Ass!
Taraji:Stupid Ass!
Terrence:Will you move so I can get my kids?
Taraji:You mean my KIDS?
Terrence:So we have to do this every Friday?
Taraji:You started it!
Terrence:It's always my fault!

I moved to the side so he can get it, Terrence really gets in my nerves 90% of the time but I don't even know why we haven't signed the divorce paper cause every time we try and do that,the only place we end up is the bedroom. Don't ask about that but that's how it is. Terrence went to the kitchen and poured himself something to drink.

Taraji:Why you all up in my kitchen?
Terrence:Stop being petty I need to tell you something, come take a sit.

I sat on the opposite stool and he held my hand I didn't even let go cause this sounded serious

Taraji:What is it?
Terrence:I know you'll probably hate after this but I found someone, like a girlfriend.

Then my world comes crushing down on me, i can't believe what Terrence just told. I just feel like slapping him across the face but he can do whatever he wants, maybe we can finally end this marriage and move on with our lives!

Taraji:oh,I'm happy for you
Taraji:NO! You don't get to do that okay!
Terrence:I'll come around tomorrow when the kids aren't here. I know you angry...
Taraji:You don't know a damn thing about how I feel!

I don't even know why I'm angry me and this man have been over for years but my heart won't let me move on and I keep going back to him. I headed for the stairs only to be met by my beautiful children.

Princess:Mommy don't cry,I will see you Monday
Taraji:Okay I'm gonna miss you my Princess
Terrence:Guess who's here?

She down the stairs and jumped on Terrence, one thing I don't ever have to doubt in my life is the love Terrence has for his children. He may be scum of the earth but he is this soft big teddy bear when it comes to our family.

Terrence:My princess!
Jussie:What about me?
Princess:Daddy can't carry you, you're to big!
Jussie:Dad you good?
Jussie:Let go put these in the car

Jussie went out with Princess following him and Terrence came up to me.

Terrence:I'll call later okay?
Terrence:Stop all that, you better pick up that phone when I call and stop with all that nonsense!
Taraji:I'll answer now get out!
Terrence:I Love You
Terrence:See you later

I opened the door for Terrence and he followed me, he slapped my butt and chuckled

Taraji:Stop it!

Terrence POV

Friday 19:02pm

I'm in the comfort of my own couch with my girl Grace with me, I like her she looks good on my arm but that's all she does look good on my arm but Rahji. That's my WIFE the love of my life and nothing is ever gonna change that. And I promised I'll see her later now I have to make an excuse because Grace is really clingy and all that bullshit. Jussie went out with some of his friends and made me promise not to tell Rahji because she's over protective. And my baby is on the floor playing with her toys.

Now on leaving this house, I can't even think because the only thing on my mind is Rahji.

Terrence:Yes baby?
Princess :I want to sleep but I forgot Mr Snuggles.
Terrence:Baby but mommy's house is like 15 minutes away
Princess:Daddy I can't sleep
Terrence:Okay baby don't cry, let me call mommy and tell her I'm coming to fetch Mr Snuggles
Princess:Okay Daddy see you now
Terrence:Grace please look after her while I'm gone?
Grace:Yeah no problem
Terrence:Okay come give Daddy a kiss and go watch TV till I came back
Princess:Give mommy a kiss for me

I picked her up and gave her a kiss on the cheek and laced her down with her running to the TV room.

Grace:Baby when are we gonna make our relationship official
Terrence:When the time is right?
Grace:When is that? We've been seeing each other for a month now and you don't tell you love me
Terrence:We have to keep it under wraps because I'm still married and the media is hounding me and Rahji so you have to wait until I process my divorce
Grace:Do you love me?

Oh Terrence how do you get yourself out of this one, I can't lie to her that's just not how i am but in this situation I don't have a choice.

Terrence:Yeah you know!

That went down very well cause basically I didn't say it back, but my baby needs her buddy so I have to hurry. I grabbed my car keys and drive to her place.

I rang the door bell and I heard footsteps, the door swung open

Taraji:What are you don't here?
Terrence:I'm here to fetch "Mr Snuggles"
Taraji:Okay get in!

We got inside and went inside to Princess room, and my eyes couldn't help but go down her ASS and God help me my hands don't touch her or she'll kill me

Taraji:Don't even think about it Mister! You got a girlfriend now so you ain't getting none of this
Terrence:That is all mine!

I slapped her ASS then giving it a nice firm squeeze, I went past her and opened Princess bedroom. I grabbed the teddy and went to Rahji's bedroom which is basically mines but yeah. She was laying in her back watching TV. I opened the door and she signalled me to come in. I sat next to her on the bed

Taraji:So what's your girlfriends name?
Taraji:Grace Gealey?
Taraji:Phfff, I thought it would be someone relevant!
Terrence:What do you mean?
Taraji:She's no competition at all baby
Terrence:And you are?
Taraji:Fool look at your babies!
Terrence:They got it from their Daddy!
Taraji:Do you love her? Please be honest!
Terrence:No I don't Rahji, I love you only you!
Taraji:Terrence we have to sign the divorce papers!
Terrence:Where is this all coming from?
Taraji:We have to move on and you have a girlfriend and I have someone so there is not need to hang on to something that has no direction!
Terrence:You calling that Tyerese guy a boyfriend!
Taraji:Terrence I love Tyerese
Terrence:Have you and Tyerese hit the sheets?
Taraji:No, and it's not because of you so
Terrence:Okay I guess I should move on cause you "love"him. So let me get going
Taraji:Just leave!
Terrence:Okay good night

I did promise y'all another one
Should keep it or ditch it?
Ms Gold💖

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