Chapter 5

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Taraji's POV

The past two days have been nothing but hell and to put the cherry on top Terrence is not talking to me like completely ignoring me but at this point I don't even care about his stupid feelings but his health. I'm in the kitchen preparing breakfast for my babies and then we heading to Terrence's house cause Princess wants to see him and Jussie is acting funny towards me but I'm not gonna push right now cause everyone is in sensitive feelings.

Taraji:Hey baby,how did you sleep?
Jussie:Fine what time are we leaving?
Taraji:After we done eating
Jussie:Okay let me go check up on Princess

See what I'm talking about! He hates me I kinda think he blames me for Terrence's accident. I dished out, placed the food on the counter and went to go freshen up.

Jussie:Can we leave now?
Taraji:Listen I won't toler... Actually let's get going
Taraji:Princess you have everything.

We arrived at Terrence's Apartment in like 15 minutes, and Jussie was still giving me attitude but that's something I'm gonna fix later cause we are here for one reason and that is to check up on this fool then we bounce. I grabbed my bag and my jacket cause it was a bit chilly out side and Princess rushed to go press the elevator.

 I grabbed my bag and my jacket cause it was a bit chilly out side and Princess rushed to go press the elevator

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Taraji:When we get there drop this attitude of yours okay!
Jussie:Whatever you say man!
Taraji:Jesus take the wheel

Jussie opened the door and got in, I sat on the couch and they went to Terrence's bedroom

Terrence's POV

I was in my bedroom taking a rest when my door swung open.

Jussie:Dad you good?
Terrence:Jump over my Princess, yes I'm good!
Jussie:I've been worried you know?
Terrence: Don't talk about that in front of you know...
Jussie:Okay, mom is in the lounge
Terrence: Get her something to drink while I explain everything to Princess

Jussie went out and I got comfortable on the bed.

Princess:Daddy why didn't you take me to school like you promised you would?
Terrence:Baby daddy's car crashed with another car and daddy got hurt so he couldn't take you to school
Princess:Daddy are you going to die like Kylie daddy?
Terrence:No come here baby girl!

Princess:Daddy why didn't you take me to school like you promised you would?Terrence:Baby daddy's car crashed with another car and daddy got hurt so he couldn't take you to schoolPrincess:Daddy are you going to die like Kylie daddy?Terrence:No com...

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