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I sit here alone once again. My body trembles and quakes remembering the memory that had happened, not to long ago. I couldn't believe I had finally remembered a piece of the past, but it's nothing to be happy about, especially since I remembered what I wanted to forget.

The food and plate are still scattered on the floor. I can feel my insides turn with hunger. The only thing I can do is get onto my knees and crawl over to the mess.

I lean down and start to lick the muck off of the ground. The taste is horrible, a mixture of raw meet and soggy carrots.

I gag at the thought of it sliding down my throat, but shake my head, the thought of food in general clouding my mind distracting me from the unbearable taste.

Tears have been spilling non stop sinse in have awoken. I'm not only crying because I could hear my families cries and pleas for help, but because I failed my father I'm in this trap and can't escape. He told me to run, and not let them find me but they did, and I can't bare the thought of my father being dissapointed at how much I've failed him.

After crying for what seems to have been forever. I can hear the click of the door lach meaning someone was to unexpectedly come it. I'm confused at the time no longer knowing my numbers.

I back into the furthest corner of the room preparing myself for what's to come.

As I hide my face in between my legs. I can hear not one, but multiple feet walking towards me.

I automatically flinch away from the numerous amount of hands that are grabbing at my white clothed body.

I can't scream I try to, but I can't an unknown force grabs my throat restraining any sound to come out.

I try to fight against them kicking my feet and swaying my arms murcifully. That's when one of the men took it upon them self to punch me square in the face, it had caused my face to contort into pain gasping and grasping for my bloodied nose. I can start to feel myself slip away losing my mind losing my control.

I grab the man's hand with a strong grip twisting it in one swift move till I heard a 'snap'! My eyes are wide blood pumping with adrenaline I can feel how strong I am. I can't control my body, the anger now pulsating through my veins.

The man was on the ground holding his now broken wrist close to his body. I stand perfectly still against the corner of the wall waiting for the other men to come towards me.

One at a time I grabbed the closest one to me wrapping my legs around his neck holding him tightly between my legs only hearing small gasps for air till nothing.

I'm back on my feet quickly eyes black with anger, but my face emotionless.

The men stare at me for a second scared of my next move. I think in my head one man dead another injured three more left. Key. Knife. Door.

My plan is soon executed when one of the men lunges towards me grabbing a fistful of my hair banging it against the padded wall.

I grab the man's hand twisting and turning it hearing his arm buckle and pop with my harsh movements.

I spot the shiny knife in the side of his white coat grabbing it smoothly, I lunge the knife forward into the man's skull his screams coming to a stop when his body immediately starts to shut down.

I make a huge mistake by looking into the lifeless bodies eyes. A yellow cloud fills them, but I can still see the hurt and sorrow even though he can no longer feel the pain.

I had been staring so long I hadn't notice one of the men sneaking beside me and jabbing the needle into my left shoulder sending me into a panic.

I fall face first onto the man's blood smearing onto my cheeks. I'm eye to eye with the man, and he's the last thing I see before the dark grabs me pulling me into a coma like sleep

Once again I am in a dark room no one around, but this times different. When the bright shining light turn on they don't shine onto me. They shine onto a screen large as if I'm in a movie theatre.

I look around in confusion closing my eyes hoping I will wake up soon. Once I open my eyes i'm sitting down in a row of maroon velvet seats. My head is pounding with a headache. As I try to stand from the seat, I am restrained by chains that keep me bound to the seats unable to move.

I look up to the screen seeing numbers pop up on the screen. (5), (4), (3), (2), (1)
I mentally prepare myself for the worst.

My face becomes soft when I see a twelve year old girl smiling up to the screen, it's not just any little girl though... It's me when I was younger. Memories flash back flooding my brain.

I continue on smiling slightly. I remember the day clearly my father had been teaching me karate. Sacred in many lands only those worthy were tought how to fight this specific piece of art. I had already received my black belt, the last thing to do was to prove myself.

We had driven for hours till we were up front at a temple in Japan. I was beyond excited the place was beautiful, that was until we approached the temple. I remember being pushed into the sacred house. Where I was met with five Koreans all apart of the black panthers.

It was then that I had realized my dad had sent me into my first mission.

After only minutes of fighting. Was I victorious to have made five powerful men fall to their knees begging for mercy.

That's the first day, that not only I, but everyone else know what I was capable of. I had become a guard for my father/ my family. Or should I say a weapon they could use against the enemy. Use me.

I woke up screaming with cold sweats. My mind is still clouded with such confusing thoughts.

I look around the room until I notice a person at the corner of the room someone I'd never thought is see again.


Yeah sorry if that sucked I tried. I will try to update as much as possible, who knows maybe this book might be finished before "labeled".

I don't have much more to say, but thank you.

Sorry for any mistakes as usual when I'm finished writing I will go through and fix as many errors as I can.

Thank you. Hope everyone has an amazing day.

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