I love Fred Weasley (a harry potter fanfic)

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I love Fred Weasley chapter 1

I woke up on the floor of Fred and George's bedroom. I grunted as I rolled over onto my back. Staring at the ceiling, I heard Fred groan. His feet came over the side of the bed and almost hit me in the head.

"Watchit!" I shouted to him.

"Sorry, Annabel. Sleep okay?"

"Sort of..." I muttered.

*WACK* George's foot hit me in my left temple.


"Woops. Sorry, love," George said, smiling.

"Am I just a target this morning?" I said, irritated. I got up and stretched.

"Blimey, I'm so tired," George sighed.

"Well we'd better get downstairs 'fore mum's head blows. Wouldn't want that, would we Georgie?" I smiled at the twins and grab my clothes: jeans, Weird Sisters T-shirt, and my black boots. I leave the room and go across the hall to the bathroom. I change then head downstairs to the kitchen and sit down next to Fred.

"Whas it 'ike at 'Ogwars?" Asks Ron, the youngest of the Weasley boys, through a mouthful of bacon. Ginny's the only girl in the family besides Mrs Weasley.

"Well first, they sort you into your house. Then you have the beggining of term feast. The next day you start classes and that's pretty much it," I explained.

"The sorting really hurts," Fred added. Mrs Weasley batted him on the back of the head with the Daily Prophet.

"Relax Ron, only jokin'"

About an hour and a half later, we were all ready to journey to King's Cross. We packed our trunks into the back of Mr Weasley's Ford Anglia. Mrs Weasley started the car and we drove off.

At King's Cross, we put our trunks onto the trollies and walked to platforms nine and ten.

"Alright, Fred, you next" she told Fred after Percy disappeared behind the barrier.

"He's not Fred, I am!" Exclaimed George.

"Seriously, woman, you call yourself our mother?" Said Fred.

"Sorry, George."

"Only joking, I am Fred." He disappeared followed by George followed by me. We board the Hogwarts Express a few minutes later and find an empty compartment.

"Back to school. How are we gonna wreck havoc this year?" Said Fred.

I rolled my eyes and nonchalantly coughed.


I shook my head. "Nothing. You two are atleast going to *try* and do good in school, right?"

The twins smiled at each other.


The rest of the train ride, we talk about sneaking into Hogsmeade through Fred and George's secret passage. I knew it wouldn't work because first of all Filch knew all the secret passages and second, according to Percy, who is a fourth year, teachers literally swarm Hogsmeade like wasps.

"Relax, Annabel, filch doesn't know about *our* passage. It leads straight to the cellar of Honeydukes. And we've got a great disguise," said Fred.

I sighed. "What disguise?"

Fred and George exchanged high fives.

"Well, you and George are going to pretend to be married. Annabel, you're going to pretend to be pregnant -"

My mouth gaped open. "No way! Absolutely not happening!" I started cursing them in Irish and they just sat there, eyes wide, jaws all the way to the floor.

When I finished, the twins began to chuckle.

"Its not funny!"

"Well sure it is, love. You just go ahead and act like you're pregnant with my child and we can easily get into Zonko's," George informed.

"We're fourteen, you git!"

"You're fourteen. We're twelve," said Fred.

"Whatever. Now get out."


"Because we're almost there and if you want me to help you get into Hogsmeade, then you'll leave."

Fred and George left the compartment and I changed into my Griffindor robes. The twins reentered in their robes and sat down next to me.

"Blimey, Annabel, y'know who's on the train right now?"

"Who?" I asked George.

"Apparently Harry Potter."

"Harry Potter? Well less go meet him!"

"Can't. Supposed to be in another compartment," Fred replied.

"Oh. Of course. Suppose we'll get him in Griffindor?"

"Don't know..."

Finally the train rolled to a stop. We descended the stairs and walked to the carriages. Fred, George, Percy and I sat together. Percy mainly only talked about how I should become a Prefect. I didn't want to, of course.

We arrived at the castle, and, moments later, entered the Great Hall where the sorting and beginning of term feast would be held. I'd hoped all summer that I'd get my little brother Seamus in Griffindor.

Soon, the first years entered the Hall, some had robes that dragged behind them. I spotted Seamus and hugged him tightly.

"Good luck." He smiled at me and kept walking.

"Now, when I call your name, walk forward to be sorted," said Professor McGonagal. "Susan Bones." The girl walked forward.

"Hufflepuff!" shouted the sorting hat.

***several students later***

"Harry Potter." THE BOY WHO LIVED walked forward.

"Not Slytherin, eh? Its all here in your head and Slytherin can help you on your way to greatness. No? Well if you're sure, better be Griffindor!" Harry smiled greatly and headed over to our table. The twins, Percy and I shook hands with the famous wizard.

"Seamus Finnigan." Seamus walked forward.

"Another Finnigan, I see. Well I know the perfect house for you. Griffindor!"

Seamus smiled from ear to ear and headed over to our table. I squeezed him tightly, nearly suffocating him.

"Say Percy? Who's that man over there? The one talking with Professor Quirrel?" Asked Harry.

"Oh that's Professor Snape," Percy replied.

"What's he teach?"

"He teaches potions. Snape's been after Quirrel's job for years." Harry stared strangely at Snape for awhile.

"Let the feast begin," announced Professor Dumbledore. Food appeared before us. Harry, Seamus, Hermione, and Ron all gaped, wide eyed, at the golden plates of food.

After dinner, Fred, George, and I went to the Griffindor common room. I slumped into an armchair and gazed at the Marauders Map lying before us on the table.

Around 9:00 I decided to go to bed.

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