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        P R O L O G U E

        J U L I E T

I sighed and placed the final picture on the wall of my new bedroom.  It was a painting I did a few months previous - the beautiful night sky captured in a array of colors. I stepped back for a moment to admire my work and then plopped down on my bed, just wanting to rest for the remainder of the evening.

I was still in shock of moving, but honestly I didn't mind much. My old town held too many memories for me and the people there were known to be quite harsh and unfriendly, at least they were to me. Most of my memories of California were ones I would rather forget, so this move was actually a good thing, I determined. Well it would have been if I were still staying in the same state, or even  the same country, but no. I had to be a little wild and drastic choosing to move to a whole other continent, leaving me to call Ireland my new home.

When I got my acceptance letter to the university in Ireland that I applied to as a long shot crazy dream I was overwhelmingly surprised. I became shocked and extremely hesitant about the whole situation, not wanting to change cultures and move so far away from everything that was familiar to me.

There wasn't a need for me to go to university in Ireland. In fact I had been accepted to other colleges in the United States that were very prestigious. However, I needed to get away from my old life and my parents - not that they were even home most of the time. I had a rocky relationship with them at best; they wanted me to be their perfect little daughter that they could show off to all of their friends and when it became clear that wasn't who I was going to become they basically ignored me and threw me aside. So I chose to move and attend college here in Ireland which actually didn't sound that horrible to me anymore. It gave me a chance to start my life over and turn it around the way I wanted it to be, not what my parents dictated it should be.

I snuggled into my comforter, burrying my face into it, smelling the familiar scent of what was once home. I ran my hands over the soft worn fabric and smiled, reminicing of earlier times in my life when what few friends I had would come over and all of us sat on my bed hanging out together in my room.

Hopefully here I will be able to make some new friends and begin a new chapter in my life. I was already loving Ireland from what little I had seen of it and the weather here was absolutly beautiful in my opinion. The fridiged cold air biting at your hands and whatever skin was exposed made me feel so alive just by standing outside and breathing. It was unlike any feeling I have ever known. The air seemed fresher here if that was possible, more so than back in the US and it thrust new life into me.

I rested my eyes for a few minutes, letting myself truly relax for the first time in days with a soft smile on my lips. This place was going to be different, I could feel it. No parents to be constantly disappointed in me, no people from school to tease me, and no boyfriend anymore since I told him I was moving away.

I flinched a little at that thought of him, Dylan, the guy who at one point I thought I loved until he broke my heart and showed his true colors. I had wanted to break up with him for a long time but just didn't know how, or honestly was too afraid of doing so in fear of how he would react.

That was all in the past now, and here in this exciting unfamiliar country I could be free to pursue anything my heart desired.

Resting my head on the deep red feather pillow I attempted to get a well deserved night of rest, the only thing hindering my plans were the loud noises coming from the bar across the street.

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