chapter 1 the first experment

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Im at my lab that me and my friends just bought its a white modern building with a glass door. there were four workers including me Shadow,Emma and Stan. We had saved up for this for years and we finally got it. We all had our personal offices I had the biggest office followed by shadow then Emma. but I had a sub level lab which was underground my office. There was a keypad next to the door and only I knew the code. In my sub lab there was a molecular bio structure changer (that could change someones D.N.A) and two cells one full of ice and the other full of scorching volcano rock. This was too see the effects of them but in the main lab we had invented a fusion machine. I wanted to test it out, and all of the others did to so they pulled straws and Emma came out victorious. So shadow started the fusion machine just like i told him to and there was a purple flash and then Emma stepped out of the machine but she had no effects of the fusion at all. That's when I came out but i DID get the effects of the fusion my light brown hair became a cyan turquoise color my ears and tail went from grey and white of a violet and my eyes went from a maroon to a  very light purple color my friends looked at me in astonishment and shadow began to say... (to be continued in the next chapter of moon claws lab)

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