Say Hello to Miss Perfect

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All day long, they desire to be her. The undeniable truth that she is 'perfect'. She has the looks, the grades, the characteristics and the whole package to be the most perfect human in the world. Everyone wants to be her, they take her as being the unreachable dream.

But with greatness and power, comes undesirable factors. "She is so fake!" "She is so up herself, why would anyone like her?" "She can't be a real person, that's impossible." What they forget is that 'Miss Perfect' has feelings. She has dreams and wishes. She is human.

Day and night she puts on her mask of happiness and perfection, to cover the truth from her school, her friends, ... her family. The truth is, she doesn't believe she is perfect. She doesn't want to be perfect.

She wants to be able to make mistakes, do wrong and not be extremely judged. She doesn't want to be expected to get straight A's and always get the awards. She doesn't want to meet the expectations of her life that were set out by others.

She hates how everyone thinks she is strong and the luckiest person ever, because she is not. She isn't the smartest or the prettiest. She hates the expectation of how she is meant to be. Little comments like "she will never mess up," or "I don't worry about her, she's just too smart," she purely hates it. She hates the pressure. She hates that she can't be wrong.

She does not believe it.
She does not desire it.

Nevertheless, she continues her life as being Little Miss Perfect. The one who doesn't get into trouble. Or the one that is always right, because she couldn't disappoint the expectation of herself, no matter how distressed she is.

Everyday she will put on the same mask of happiness, hiding her true self behind a smile because she is expected to have no feelings. No heart. No soul. Just perfection.

In fact, she forces herself to desire it.

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