Friendship quotes :
God made us best friends because he knew our mom couldn't handle us as sisters
- unknown
Friendship means , under standing , not agreement ,
It means forgiveness and not forgetting ,
It means memory's last ,even if contact is lost .
- unknown
inspirational quotes :
Take a walk in my shoes before you judge
- unknown
People are going to
Want you
Need you
Exceed you
Take you
Love you
Hate you
Play you
Rate you
Save you
And break you
But that's what
makes you ,YOU
- unknown
Girly quote :
Call a girl pretty & she will forget in an hour ,
Call a girl ugly & she will NEVER forget .
- unknown
Inspirational quote :
If it's meant to be , it will be
Love quotes :
Love when you are ready ,
Not when your are lonely
- unknown
Dream quotes :
Build a dream ,
that builds you
- Robert h. Shuller
In dreams and love
there is no impossible
- Janos arnay
Your dreams will come true...if you can see it...if you believe in it...then you can achieve it.
- unknown
Smiling quotes :
Children smile on the average 400 times/day; Adults: 15 times/day. Ever wonder why?
- unknown
Most smiles are started by another smile.
- frank a. Clark