Chapter 18

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  "Claire get your lazy ass up I'm making breakfast!" I Shawn chuckle trying to wake me up and turned on my light. "Go away Mendes." I say before putting my face into my pillow to block out the light. "And turn off that damn light!" I yelled. I didn't hear Shawn so I assumed he left the room, but I was so wrong. I felt a pair of strong hands wrap themselves around my waist and pick me up out of my warm comfortable bed. "Shawn put me back in my bed!" Shawn started to leave my room and walk down the stairs. "No!" I felt the vibrations as Shawn chuckled. "Shawn put me down!" I yell again not happy with him at all. "As you wish princess." Shawn set me down at the table and out a plate in front of me. I'm not going to lie the plate looked so good and smelled great. It had waffles with strawberrys and whip cream on it, bacon, eggs, and more fruit. I almost started to drool, but I stayed strong and gave Shawn the "I'm pissed look." Shawn grabbed his plate and sat right next to me. My stomach growled and I gave into the food sitting in front of me. I started to eat my waffles and the taste was amazing. "I didn't know you could cook." I said covering my mouth and looking at Shawn. He took a bite of his breakfast and nodded his head. I went back to eating my food. Shawn and I finished and I tried running back upstairs, but Shawn caught me and pulled me close to him our mouths only inches away from eachother. "Where do you think you're going?" Shawn asked with a smirk. I couldn't help but think of how hot Shawn looks. I rolled my eyes trying to get t he tough out of my head. "Going back to bed" I said. "No your not you had 14 hours of sleep claire you've had enough sleep" Shawn said letting me go still holding my hand to make sure I don't run away again. "Shawn you can never have enough sleep." He chuckled and came closer to my ear and whispered, "You know your cute when you wine."

   Finally Shawn told me to get dressed, because we need to go to the grocery store and buy food. I tried avoided it by asking, "where's skylar? I haven't seen her all morning." Shawn said, "I sent her to her friends house she's okay. " I don't know if Shawn knew I was going to be a pain in the ass or if it was a coincidence that he sent skylar to her friends. I let out a sigh in defeat and went to go change. I put on a plain black shirt and skinny jeans. I walked back downstairs and saw Shawn writing a list of what we need. "Shawn you know I'm not completely broken I can help with some things." Shawn laughed not looking up from the list. "I don't care what you say claire, I said I would help and that's what I'm doing." I groaned again, he's such a pain in the ass!
***                    ***                        ***
     Shawn and I arrived at Target, we grabbed a shopping cart and went around the store grabbing what we need.  I kept walking but I didn't hear the cart beside me I stopped and I was turning around while saying, "You dragged me to the store to------" I was interrupted  by Shawn say, "Harry how have you been?" I couldn't see this Harry until he moved by Shawn and smiled.  I was standing there shocked by Harry's beauty I looked him up and down. He was muscular and I could see his exposed tattoos, which I love, his eyes are a beautiful shade of green and his smile oh my god his smile. "Claire!" I heard Shawn say. I guess I was staring a little too much. I blush and walked towards them. Harry was staring at me I saw him lick his lips looking at me which made me have butterflies.  What the fuck when do I ever get butterflies. "Hey I'm Harry." Harry smiled showing me dimples and putting his hand out for me to shake. "I'm Claire." I said smiling and taking his hand in mine and shook it.

I stand there staring at his wonderful green sparking eyes. He smiles at me and winks, turning back to Shawn. Him and Shawn continue to talk, but me of course being all soft, I just continued to look at him and drool.

"Claire. Claire. Claire!" I snap out of my thoughts and look at Shawn who was snapping his fingers in front of my face. "You good?" He asks. I simply just nod. I can tell Shawn knew I was acting different he turned back to Harry and said, "Hey man why don't you come over later today we can all hang out?" I look at Shawn surprised but didn't make that show on my face. "Yeah man sounds fun," Harry looked at me and winked. Harry left and I bit my lip Shawn looked at me and then looked away. "So when is he coming over?" I ask but Shawn ignores. "Dude what the hell is your problem?" He still ignores me. I scoff and just kept walking.
        **               **                  **
     We went home and I went upstairs to get changed. I went through my whole closet and I found one dress. It has black and lace on top and a mint color on the bottom. I smiled and thought perfect. I'll look different and I love that. I can't wait....


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