New Lives to Ruin

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From now on I'm going to be doing it in Opals veiw
And when text is like this its someone else talking
That's all to say basically...
Have a nice Day.
I woke up to a surprising sight...My dog Coco on my face.She was asleep and a spat out which she reacted to by rolling over and giving a smol yip.I got up,changed normal morning routine Today I was feeling a dark vibe so I went to school in black jumper,jeans and knee high boots,a leather jacket to my hair I  put in a pony tail and put black lipstick and eyeshadow.People are gonna call me Goth or something just because im wearing black,so what its a nice color,and hats offensive just calling someone goth if they only wear black clothes .Like usual I Ran out the door to school

After first period the bell rang and I went to second.
Amanda was sent to a different class,but I still have 3rd with her.I sat in my seat and began to scetch my true form,a girl sat in the back where amanda sat,it was the only one left and she scoffed sitting down looking out he window."Holy Shit"I thought when I saw her reflection off the glass.Tan,long black hair that covers one eye,black tail coat,black tights,black convers.She was...incredibly attractive and when I was about to speak some guy came in and pressed his crotch on my hand that was on my desk."Hey,wanna have some fun after class?"His voice sickened me.I yanked my hand back and stood I begam doing backflips and by my last one it turned to a kick I'm his jaw.He began to bleed and ran out as I heard Violent laughter behind my seat.It was that girl,she held her stomach"OH MY GOD HAHAHAAH,THAT KILLED ME" She continued and then stopped and looked down and began her work as did I.The day passed and I hadn't done much in class but think about that girl.I To 6th and sit next to Shai.Time for a conversation."Shai""Yes?""what was up with that what's wrong you sent.How did you know something was wrong""...""Shaaaaaii"".........."Shai was acting strange,she said shell say next time she sees me. I stared at nothing when o got home.As I walked in I saw mom.Her eyes puffy."Sweetheart... I have to talk with you""Ok...""Your school called,they said they're expanding students to a boarding school area...Your leaving tomorrow and I can't take you out from the school..."I stared and a tear dripped. I'm 14 and crying being away from mom.We've been through a lot in those years. The rest of the evening we talked and I packed,I went to bed sad and tired.
I woke up,the cold breeze of winter closing in.I stood up and looked at my bags and let my puppy.Mom will take care of her while I'm away.I get dressed,Brown coat,black knee high boots again,white shirt,blue jeans and black fingerless gloves.I grab my bags and look at mom as she sips her coffee. She stands "Ready to go Sweatheart?" I nod and we're off to the boarding school.Why did my school do this.I hope in get roomed with a friend.
After I enter the new grounds, I wave bye to mother dearest.I look at the temporary home.Now I live in school,wonderful.I walk in and Im greeted by an administrator.She searched my name and handed me my schedule. A new one? Alright. I walked into the dorms and saw my room,I entered and see who I was paired with.A girl name Kira .I tilt my head and think "Who's that?". I hear the door creak Open and see her.The girl in the Tailcoat. She had a thicker one and glared at me . Her voice slightly deep and feminine but oddly soothing. I looked away because I heard growling which I knew was her."...So your who they paired me with...ugh,just tell me your name so I know who is going to SERVE ME!"She yelled that last part.Pfft,like I'm serving her."Names Opal ,and I know who you are Kira."My voice was soft,feminine but still strangely deep...She lifted a brow at what I said and she chuckled... Like a robot,who the hell does that. "So your that girl that kicked the guy in the saw the other day?Funny,I saw him bleeeeeeed" She said creepily.... I oddly found her attractive.One day.She Will know Opal Slinter.All I could think of. She stared and loom her side of the dorm room.I finished unpacking and she... Didn't unpack at all.Odd.The TV provided turned on and there was an anouncment
All.students are excused to stay in their dorms as the school prepares for its first day tomorrow.My eyes widened in joy and is giggled,flopping back down on my bed.I feel a pair of cold,oddly...beautiful black eyes glaring at me. I open mine and I see Kira standing in a dark corner."You have serious problems... But your funny,and I guess that's ok...BUT DONT GET TO COMFORTABLE with my respect." She said and went back to her bed.Jesus what's wrong with me I like her.She's beautiful, smart, and she has dark humor.Pretty impressive I must say.
Yay, chapter Five done
I'm getting really lazy rn with holidays and school and life.What was that last one.Nothing.Anyways new update might be soon or something.I'll try ok
Also Another author MinxisAlive is a really gold friend of mine,she's writing a book and its amazing and...really funny tbh,So I hope you enjoyed this chapter an I'll update Ok
Boiiiiii -Diarous

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