Chapter 1: Starting point (Edited)

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Reino's P.O.V

Hello, my name is Reino. I live with my demon friend, Musume. I practice angel slayer magic, demon slayer magic, god slayer magic and a lot more! Musume's really nice, too! She helps me practice my magic. Today me and Musume-chan are going to the amusement park!!

"So Reino, where do you want to go first?" She asks me. My eyebrows furrow in thinking, suddenly I find out the PERFECT place to go to.
" I want to go there!" I point to a very high up roller coaster called 'Dragon Ride of DEATH'.
"Bu-bu-but i-isn't tha-th-that dangerous??" Musume stutters, sounding scared. I gasp dramatically.
"A demon is afraid of a roller coaster?!" I say in a mock surprised tone. She sighs before answering me.
"Fine, we can go there. But you have to buy me dinner later, ok?" She says, sounding quite unsure about going on the ride.

"You got a deal!" I say enthusiastically, before tugging on the sleeve of her shirt towards the ride.


"That was fun, wasn't it, Musume-chan?"
"I gotta admit it was fu-!!" She gets cut off before getting dragged somewhere by a man all dressed in black.   "Musume-chan!" I say before trying to catch up with the man. But I can't find him, like he vanished. I start running somewhere else.

"Ahhh!!" I then hear a person scream.
"Huh?" I look at an empty alleyway where I see what looks like a dead body. Once I get a glimpse of the person, a look of sadness and pure horror cross my face.

"Mu-mu-Musume!!!" I proceed to scream out her name, tears streaking down my face before going home to rest.

Musume's P.O.V

That coaster ride was fun minus all the death drops...
"That was fun, wasn't it Musume-chan?" Reino says. Well no use in lying.
"I gotta admit it was fu-!! I get cut off by being dragged off into an alleyway by a strange man. What was that?
"What is the meaning of thi- OW!!!" I once again get cut off by a sharp pain somewhere near my abdomen. What did he stab me with? I think before looking down at my stomach. I-its a demon blade!
"Go to sleep, demon." The man then proceeds to stab my heart

"Ahhh!!" I scream.

I-I'm dying... And they said demons don't die. "Huh?"  I hear Reino say. She then sees me, her face contorts into a look of sadness, despair, and horrer. Goodbye, Reino
"Mu-mu-Musume!!!" I hear her scream one last time.

Okay guys, first chapter done! 😆😆 So anyways, if you guys see any grammar mistakes, I'll take care of that. Anyways, Author-san out! I am going to edit all of these chapters because when I reread this, I cringed a lot at the amount of mistakes. So Bye!

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