The Mummy's Return

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After the archaeologist Howard Carter discovered the long lost tomb of King Tut in Cairo Egypt two children living close to the Valley of the Kings were exploring in the dead of night. The two children were named Andy and Sadie; they were both eleven years old and were best friends.

"Come on Sadie we have to be very quiet in order exploring our long-lost King's tomb," Andy said to Sadie.

"Andy don't you remember the stories of priests who cast powerful curses on anyone that disturbed a pharaoh resting place?"

"Oh come on, do you actually believe that? Besides it will be fun and those stories are just that, stories," Andy said to her.

Andy goes into the tomb leaving Sadie dumbstruck. She believed in the stories considering the people buried in the Valley were Gods in human form.

She always had an uneasy feeling whenever Andy dragged her here looking for an opportunity to explore the tombs.

Sadie goes into the tomb. "Andy? Andy? Are you there?"

"I'm here," Andy called back his voice echoing against the walls in the silent tomb. While Sadie waited for Andy she looked around the dimly lit room, the floors were covered with dust and sand, there were also shards of what once must have been beautiful pottery.

I found something the archaeologists missed," he said walking back to where he was holding an ankh that was covered in dust.

"Uhh...Andy why do you have that??" "Also where did you get that? "Sadie asked curiously. " It looks valuable, and I found it near an old sarcophagus" He said.

"But," she started. Suddenly they both heard an eerie and soft voice " Give it back... Give me my ankh back." The voice then spoke again but it sounded closer this time. "You dare think about stealing from this sacred place children?"

A hand reached out from the darkness. It looked ancient from how cracked it looked and it was covered in lien bandages. "Run!!" Andy screamed as he and Sadie bolted for the exit. While running, Sadie looked down briefly and saw the ankh was glowing an eerie green color.

The ground rumbled and the hieroglyphics on the walls started to glow a light gold color, unfortunately that wasn't a good thing since different mummified hands started to shoot out trying to make a grab for them! "Were almost there" Sadie called as they saw the entrance ahead of them. They heard the voice speak again

"You won't get out of this tomb alive... unless you give me the ankh back...," It said. "Fat chance!" Andy retorted.

"Then suffer for all time with us..." It replied. The entrance closed just before they could get out. "ANDY!" Sadie screamed at her friend, just give the mummy the artifact back and then maybe it will let us go.

"No way besides it's better safe with us remember that a ankh is symbol of life and this thing defiantly doesn't need to be alive.

"Andy you ignorant- "Sadie let out a terrifying scream as the mummy as at eye level with them. "I gave you a choice children you should have listened." The mummy said.

"W-what will happen to us?" Andy asked the figure. "You will remain trapped here and probably die from either dehydration or hunger." It replied.

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