4: Forgetful Girl

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I swung by my other friend Quinn's house to see if she wanted to come to the game with me. Quinn's parents were pretty strict, so she doesn't normally go to these types of things, but I wanted to do this with her.

I left the car running and knocked on the door. (Side note: I turned my music down a LOT in my drive to Quinn's, and I had calmed down a little bit. That being said, though, I am still going to find out who is doing this to me.)

Quinn's mom answered the door. "Hi, Mrs. Justitsu!"

She replied, "Hi Jen! And again, it's pronounced 'Jiuestzu.'"

"Oh yeah, I'm really sorry... Anyways, is Quinn home? I was wondering if she could come to the football game with me tonight, I've been trying to text her but she hasn't replied."

"Sure.. hold on a minute." Mrs. Jiuestzu seemed slightly grim, like me coming to the door was a waste of time. After being friends with Quinn for almost three years, I still can't even tell if Mrs. Jiuestzu likes me or if I annoy her. She keeps a pretty good poker face...

Anyways, it was clear that she didn't really want Quinn to come with me. Not necessarily because she doesn't (maybe) like me, it could be because they had family plans.

Mrs. Jiuestzu returned, without Quinn. "Sorry, Jen, it seems as if Quinn isn't home... that's so weird, I could have sworn I'd seen her... well anyways, if you see her at the game could you tell her to call me? I need to have a word with her."

I nodded and turned to walk away. "Have fun!" She said before closing the door. I turned and waved and then got in my car.

Strange. Quinn never goes anywhere without her parents permission. She also always answers the phone...

So many red flags were everywhere when I look back. How did I not think of this as a bad sign? How could I be so stupid?

I pulled my car out of the driveway and zoomed down the street, making my way to the game. After ten minutes of tedious driving around all the construction our town is going through, I pulled into the parking lot.

As I was getting out of my car, I smelled something very weird coming from underneath the car, or so it seemed. I looked underneath but nothing was there. I sighed and got my purse out of the car and walked to the ticket sales people.

I had made one really big mistake in the last few minutes you are hearing about. Did any of you catch it?

I left my car unlocked. I had the keys, but my car was not safe from intruders that night.

Of course, if this were a happy story nothing would have happened and I, this forgetful girl, never would have know that my car was unlocked during the game, and nothing bad would have happened to my car or to me, and I wouldn't have had a bad night.

Sadly though, my friends, that is not my story. This forgetful girl was in for one hell of a night.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2017 ⏰

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