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this book will contain:

• mature language
• sexual content
• really slow chapters bc i procrastinate !

and that's pretty much it !!


harper johnson 16, (lisamarie_schiffner)

harper johnson 16, (lisamarie_schiffner)

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ethan dolan 16, (@ethandolan)

grayson dolan 16, (@graysondolan)

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grayson dolan 16, (@graysondolan)

baylee williams, 16 (@typischkassii)

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baylee williams, 16 (@typischkassii)

baylee williams, 16 (@typischkassii)

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liam moore, 17 (briiighton)

 so those are pretty much all of the main characters that will be regularly featured in this book ! and btw in the parenthesis are their instagrams

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so those are pretty much all of the main characters that will be regularly featured in this book ! and btw in the parenthesis are their instagrams

moving on, as you may know this is a collab account with 2 of my favorite people and we just write books that we feel will cleanse our hearts (:

basically there will be a variety of books that we all write and we hope that you guys enjoy them !

btw i suck at writing and at updating so ill be the suckiest of the group but it's gucci !

hope you guys like this book !

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