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It starts with a picture

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It starts with a picture...

I should have seen him coming. With his blonde hair and the assortment of tattoos that cover his arms he sticks out like a sore thumb. I didn't pay him any attention as my fingers strummed the strings of my guitar. It's not until I stop and just so happened to hear a clicking sound that I turn around and spot him. He's half hidden by the tree trunk, but his camera is pointing directly at me.

"Are you taking pictures of me?" I ask him. My eyebrows sink in nearly meeting at the middle of my forehead and I push my loosely coiled hair out of my eyes.

The camera clicks again as he steps around the tree to reveal himself completely. I narrow my eyes at him as a sly grin claims his features. "Pose for me," he says, completely ignoring my question as he steps closer. I stick my hand up and try my best to prevent him from taking another.

A low laugh rumbles in his throat and he licks his lips. "Aw, don't get shy on me now," he teases while he snaps another picture -- and he continues to snap as if he's got a great angle.

"Dude, seriously?" I huff. "Quit it."

"Okay, okay," he throws his hands up as if to surrender. "I'm done."

"Did you get some good shots?" I question with sarcasm on my tongue and a forced smile that lets him know I really don't want the answer.

"I did actually," he says with a grin. He steps closer and sits next to me in the grass. It only takes a second to pull up the recent pictures, and then he holds the camera out for me to take. "See for yourself."

"Fine," I say and finally take the camera from his hands.

"Scroll left," he instructs me, leaning back on his hands while stretching his long legs out in front of himself. He focuses his eyes else where as he waits to hear my verdict. I scroll through them one by one, taking a few seconds on each to give them a thorough look.

"These are actually pretty good," I say finally. "You a photographer or something?"

"Not professionally," he answers with a shake of his head. "'Working on it, though," he glances over at me as I continue to scroll through his photos.

"I didn't get your name," I say, finally looking up from the camera.

Those long, thick lashes of his make me want to melt as he turns his dark brown orbs on me. For a couple seconds, he just looks at me. His tongue peeks from its cave and slides across his bottom lip. "Malik," he says finally, extending his hand as the corners of his mouth turn into a smile.

I give a nod, offering a sheepish grin of my own as I place my hand into his. It's warm, and soft, and inviting. "I'm Darin," I say. "Nice to meet you."

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