Two - Thoughts

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It all started as little things; glares in the hallway, whispers, nudges on the shoulder as we walk past, paper chucked at me during class. But... then it started to get more intense, she completely pushed me over until my behind hit the floor like squishing a fly. Wiping my books off my desk until my papers scattered across the floor. Calling me a bi**h. Saying "you should just go kill yourself" no one care's about you", "just do it your worthless". It's all getting too much, nobody seems to make me happy anymore. It's like my heart is already stopping on its own. I can't handle it. I know Jeremy is my friend, it doesn't seem he can do much. I'll see how school goes tomorrow.

Shutting my diary, I finally decide to get up from the swing. Thinking about how miserable I've been over the past month. Thoughts keep rushing through my head like a wave hitting a rock. Sudden but quick thoughts, all to do with how everyone's life would be better without me.

I took a trip to the counsellor before I went home, she wanted to see if I've written in my diary. As I start to walk down the hallway seeing all the counsellor's offices. I don't hear anything except my feet tapping against the vinyl floor. The place smells of lemongrass trying to cover up the tears that have been shed. I see her blue door at the end of the hall, I can see people in their offices but the walls are soundproof. Which I'm glad about. I don't want to hear other people's problems or them hearing mine. Every time I walk past a door on the right hand side, I always see a shadow in the room in the corner of my eye. But every time I look it disappears, like it wasn't there. I don't worry about it and I keep walking all the way to the end of the hallway. Im outside her door when I see a patient in there, so I slide down the wall and sit on the floor. Waiting so desperately to talk to her. After half an hour I hear the door open, it startled me. The man walks out of the door and looks at me, his eyes were completely black. I'm not so sure he is a man anymore. Or even human...
I walk into the room where the counsellor is. Sitting on her chair with her knees up to her chest, crying. I ask her what happened but no reply, so I wave my hand in front of her eyes and still no reply. I tap her shoulder to try and get her attention once more, and she yells. "AHHHH"
so I ask again "what happened??" Trying to get the answer out of her. "What?" She says in confusion wiping her tears away,
"what happened with that man just then?" I ask desperately wanting to know.
"What man?" She says still in complete confusion. I give up,
"oh don't worry, it doesn't matter".
"Oh okay, let's begin. Shall we?" she says cheerfully,
"yes, we shall" I say with the same enthusiasm.

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