chapter 11: making a new friend

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The week past and Y/f/n and i did a lot of things and i have made a new friend, David Bowie. It was now Monday and i was waiting for my father to bring me to the my class and He helped me out the car. "Have fun today Y/n." He said as he gave me a kiss on my cheeck. I went inside and saw a boy, who was alone. I went up to him and he looked away.

"Uh, hey i am Y/n. Who are you?" I said trying to make a conversation with him. He looked at me and blushed. "Uh, i am uh Noah." He said as he blushed. "So you also take the writing class. Are you any good?" I asked him as he started to feel more comfortable around me. I can tell that he is very shy, like me when i meet new people and that he maybe need someone to talk to. "Well, my brother tells me that i have a great imagination and he readed some things that i wrote and he really liked it. Are you any good?" He asked me. "Well i don't know, because i basically started to write this weekend, because i didn't know what i had to write." I said and he nodded. "What kind of music do you like?" Noah asked me and i smiled. "Well, i really love Queen and David Bowie and what music do you like?" I asked him and he smiled. "Queen, David Bowie, Michael Jackson. Isn't your father Freddie Mercury?" He asked and i nodded. I don't want him to see me as the daughter of Freddie. "Well yeah, but you can treat me like a normal person." I said and he smiled. "I can understand." Noah said and we went to the classroom. Noah sat down next to me and i showed him my story that i wroted. "This is really good, Y/n. I really like it and you have to continue it." Noah said and i smiled. "Of course Noah." The class started and the teacher allowed us to continue on our stories. When the class was over, Noah and i walked out and i could see that dad was waiting on me. "do you need a ride home, Noah?" I asked him and he shook his head. "No, my nephew is coming to pick me up and drop me at my place." He said a little shocked by the question that i asked. "Uh, okay then, i will see you next week." I said and he smiled. I went to the car and Dad helped me in the front seat of the car. "Who was that boy, you talked to?" He asked me with a smirk on his face. "Just a friend, i just met." I said and smiled. Dad began to drive home. When we came home, i could see that David made dinner and when we had dinner, we had a movie night. When it was midnight, i said to dad that i wanted to go to sleep and he helped me in my pj's and up to my room. Y/f/n went home, this morning and told that we were going to do something tommorow. I was excited about it and i fell asleep with some dreams about random things.

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