Bonus Chapter & FAQ (It's Never a Good Bye)

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The years passed and Carter grew up to be an amazing guy just like his father. It was him and Austin against the world. Austin raised Carter as a single father and it was tough, but he managed with the help of Michele and the crew. Eventually Austin did start dating again once Carter was old enough, but he never remarried. A part of him will always love you and no one else. Although everyone told him it was ok to move on and said you would have wanted him to move on too which was true, his heart belonged to you. You watched over Austin and Carter making sure they were alright, of course there bumps along the road, but they managed to get tgrough them. When time came to face the facts that you were never coming back, Austin realized that it was ok for him to be happy and he was. Sure there were women Austin found great, but none of them ever compared to you. Austin was happy being a single father, Carter's father. It was scary how much he looked like Austin as he grew up, but you were also a part of him. He may have had his father's looks, but he had your sense of humor, personality, and beautiful heart that Austin always loved. As Carter got older, he got involved in sports just like his old man. He did basketball, football, and cross country. Not only was he good at sports, he was also a good student. He never got a bad grade in his life and the colleges went crazy just to try and recruit him. Austin was so proud to see Carter to achieve so many things in life and part of him knew that you were there also. Even though Carter didn't follow into Austin's footsteps, he couldn't be anymore proud of him. Carter graduated high school and went off to college to study buisness. Once out of college, Carter found himself a job on wall street and became very successful. He also found himself a wife and had three beautiful children. Two boys and one girl and in your honor he named her after you. She looked a lot like you as she got older. Austin and Carter still remained close, but Carter had his own life to worry about. Every weekend Austin would come to your grave and talk to you and he wouldn't miss a day, rain or shine. He continued to go till he couldn't anymore. Austin was a beloved husband, grandfather, and father. Austin died of old age and was buried next to you.

How did she/you die?

-Car crash (In chapter/part 16) Towards the end of the story that bright light that was getting closer and closer was another car.

What happened to Betty?

-She was sent to jail at first, but then they declared her insane so they sent her to a mental institute for the rest of her life.

Austin's Career?

-He still continued to sing after your death, but eventually stopped aftet a few years to retire.

What happened to you/hers family?

-With time they were back to them normal selves and Austin would visit them frequently to check on them.

The crew?

-The foolish 4 were friends till death. Zach, Robert, and Alex got married and had kids of their own.

Why did she/you die?

-There's two reasons why. To represent how short life is and to enjoy every second possible. You never know when that last smile you show could be the last thing anyone could ever see. Also because Austin grew up without a dad. Austin was raised by his mom and he turned out to be what every guy should be and what every girl wants.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2013 ⏰

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