Chapter 1 - Forgotten Plans

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I was having such a wonderful sleep on my king sized bed in my so quiet and humble abode, my head snug in my most comfiest pillow, cuddling with the other one and my feet on the hardest one of all when something started to ring. I looked at my phone that was under one of my three pillows and just answered it.

“Hello”, I said into my cell-phone with a sleepy voice as I answered it awkwardly still half asleep. Since waking up to a phone call of someone with some unknown number could ever be called an alarm to anyone.

“May I speak to Aeryal Hawthorne,” some familiar voice said jokingly. But the second I heard the voice who just spoke on the other line I thought I knew the person but couldn’t exactly recall the name because of my sudden waking up and tiredness. The voice sounded like a high pitched monotone voice then I came into reality and kind of realized how stupid I was of not knowing who the voice belonged to in the first place.

“Yeah Sye, what do you need this early in the ‘morn,” I yawned with an uninterested voice as usual since every time he had to call me he just has to use a different number whenever he was out because he had “no money” as he would say, for any cell-phone that he would so obviously needed, he even says time from that he can’t even afford a cheap simple one. Anyway I looked at my alarm clock and I couldn’t really see what time it was because my vision was blurred so I had to use my dorky glasses just to know the time. The clock came into focus and I can now see the time was around twelve noon. It wasn’t a surprise for me since I usually slept in until maybe two o’clock in the afternoon.

“Dude, it’s already twelve noon and you just woke up?!? I suppose you don’t remember the plans that we have made for today, am I right?” I really didn’t know what he was talking about since my mind was still in dream mode and is very slow in processing things when it was in this state. I really wouldn’t get what anyone would say at the moment and now I was trying to remember the events that happened a day ago and it smashed me hard in the head like a deer getting hit by some car. I was just about to answer his question when he suddenly said something that took me off guard.

“Yo, did I wake up Sleeping Beauty way too early and made her forget our plans for today?” he said in his questioning but very annoying voice of his. I bet he doesn’t have a care in the world and can’t even realize how ridiculous his voice really sounded like but I didn’t want to ruin the fun and also it is because he is my best friend and actually my only friend since grade two. So I just giggled and answered him in my polite and sarcastic voice.

“Um, no you actually didn’t, I guess that I needed a little waking up from my beauty sleep, I’ll see you in thirty,” I ended the call after I said those exact words and headed for my closest to pick some clothes quickly.

I was now in a room that I would call a closet but maybe others would call it the size of a cozy apartment they would call home but I didn’t judge people much they weren’t stinking rich like theHAWTHORNES . I really didn’t know much about my family and I really didn’t want to know. My relatives didn’t come over that much they only did if it was necessary; in short, I never saw any of my relatives. Realizing the time five minutes have already past and I haven’t even picked any clothes so I just got what was in my sight a tight red tank top, a moss green checkered blouse to go over it and denim jeans to finish my outfit.

I walked casually to the bathroom but if someone saw me walking the way I was now they would surely just laugh at my ridiculous style of walking at the moment. Before I entered the bathroom I noticed my parents weren’t in their bedroom when I walked past it. They must have went out on a date or something, I don’t know but what I did know was today was their anniversary, November five, yes a very memorable day for my parents they had at least a million pictures of their wedding day. They always seem so loveydovey whenever my father was on vacation from work. They always seemed so happy but now I just think they are just too gross now since every time I saw them in the house together they would be kissing, it was just really gross but I am happy for them anyway. But for me I really didn’t want to enter a relationship just yet since I had no experience in the four letter word, people called LOVE and I seriously didn’t want my heart to get severely broken in the process of all that nonsense. Now I couldn’t help but wonder a little why they didn’t leave a note to inform me they would be gone maybe they thought I would know since they did this annually and I would get it by now why they wouldn’t be home at the time.

I now ran from the bathroom and entered my bedroom as quickly as I can since I now only had fifteen minutes till the promised time I told Sye I’d meet him but as I entered my room again I couldn’t help but notice my reflection in my full body mirror.

My eyes were exactly like my mom’s, the kind and caring shade of brown eyes that I always loved because they were never too dark and not at the point when they would be hazel nut brown, it was like a hint of both. My nose well it wasn’t all that pointed as my mother’s but like my father’s not very pointed and also not so flat like a Neanderthal’s would be which would very funny if it were. My cheeks and lips well you could call them kind of rosy like I was always wearing make-up but as any real person could see it thoroughly I wasn’t. I got it from my mother, a cute feature that I got from her, my father and Sye says. And well my hair color is at the point when brown almost resembles the color black when in a dim place but when it is under the sun it’s like a dirty blonde as people would call it when blond has came to its darkest type of the color which I obviously got from my mother and the silkiness factor of it (my hair is easy to comb because of it I usually didn’t touch it) I have gotten from my father. My body is exactly the same as my mother’s, an hour glass figure with a not so flat chest but somehow my shoulders are kind of strong and broad just like his. My father says that but you can never believe everything your father says or complements about your appearance because they just want you to realize that you’re beautiful no matter how you look like. I now glanced at my watch while I was putting it on after I looked at myself in the mirror and I saw that five more minutes have gone by and I still haven’t gotten out of this house. I needed to hurry I told Sye that I would meet him there in thirty and twenty minutes have already passed.

Sye, what could I say about him? His name Sye is just short for Syemere, which is a very ridiculous name if you would agree. I kind of laughed when teachers used to say it when we were younger. The first time I met him was in the second grade. He was a transfer student from the state of Colorado but that was all the information I knew about him before he came to our school, Washington Elementary School. I was the first to talk to him since he looked lonely like I was before I met him. After a random conversation that I somehow now have forgotten was about we became friends and everything went sky rocket after that point. And now I still can’t believe that we’re now in high school in the 9th grade or better known as freshmen year as freshmen students. Time sure flies when people like him are around. He wouldn’t get mad at me if I was later than I usually am, would he? I guess we should all believe in the saying “Best Friends ‘til the End”, shouldn’t we? I had a lot of questions on my mind but I really had to go.

I now ran down the stairs went though the kitchen and out the front door like a cheetah wanting to catch its prey. I was now finally running to our meeting place that we have arranged for a day ago and hoping that I would get there on time.

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