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"Are you sure you're ok?" Marcus asked when they entered the peace and quiet of the common room. It had been a week since he had witnessed the moment between Jake and Abby, and the ache in his heart wasn't going anywhere.
"I'm fine", Abby said.
"You're bleeding internally."
"A little bleeding never hurt anyone."
He laughed "that's not strictly true, though."
They had been sparring in training and Abby had been paired up with Aurora Blake, who could definitely pack a punch.
"The big dance is this evening, isn't it?"
"Yeah," Abby scowled. "Even after everything today I still have to waste my time at this stupid thing." Marcus smiled ," Come on, it will be fun."
"It's going to be a bunch of people dancing like lunatics for no purpose whatsoever, what do I have to contribute to that?"
"I don't know. A general air of grumpiness?"
"Now that I can do."
She rose and limped away in the direction of medical, leaving Marcus sitting on his own, wondering how his life had become so complicated in such a short space of time.
Neither Abby or Jake had mentioned what had happened and they didn't seem as if they were going to pursue it either but Marcus couldn't help but notice the tension between them. They barely spoke and when they did their eyes never met. Marcus sighed as he put on a clean shirt, why did he have to see them? He'd come to the conclusion that it cwas all Donald Trump's fault, of hadn't had to write that stupid essay on his stupid life he never would have gone back to the classroom.
And now he had to go to this stupid ball. He put on his mask and made his way down to the hall. It was packed with dancing lunatics, as Abby had predicted. He could never understand the point of the masks, they were so pointless. He wanted to find Abby or Jake but everyone looked the same. He sighed and walked over to a seat in the corner of them room, content to sit there for the rest of the night.
Marcus awoke with a start. He had fallen asleep at some stage and now the hall was empty and the music had stopped. "Great", he muttered, dragging himself towards the door.
"Hey, why are you still here?" Marcus turned to find Abby sitting on the ground, mascara streaking her face. "What happened Abby?" He crouched next to her. She started to sob and he pulled her into him, still half asleep and not altogether there. He was perplexed, what was happening?"You're alright now, you're ok." Inside he was seething, who the hell did this to her? She had been grand before the dance, albeit covered in bruises, but emotionally stable all the same. Abruptly she stood up and wiped her eyes, she looked determined. He must have had a puzzled look on his face because she started laughing. These sudden changes in mood were becoming unsettling. "I'm ok Marcus, I'm ok, it's just stupid girl stuff, you wouldn't understand."
"Help me to then."
She sighed," another time maybe, I have to get back to my chambers and actually so should you." She turned to leave but He  grabbed her arm to stop her ,"Abby something is clearly bothering you and I could help if you'd only-"
"You can't help, Marcus."
"You don't know that for sure."
"Why do you always feel the need to fix other people's problems?"
"I don't, just yours."
"Why are you so persistent?"
"Why are you so stubborn?"
He took a step closer, closing the distance between them,"I have to know that you're ok."
She smiled up at him ,"Marcus, I'm fine , so stop worrying ok?" And with that she practically ran out of the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2016 ⏰

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