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Jack rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand, the computer screen in front of him beginning to swim in and out of focus the longer he looked at it.

He'd been talking to Mystery Man (still no luck with that name. Jack couldn't be bothered to think of anything else to call the guy, so he was stuck with 'Mystery Man' until further notice) until late last night. Talking to him, in a phone call for the second time, with that amazing voice rumbling in his ear every few seconds, was far better than simply texting had ever been, Jack had decided. The time had literally flown by him, not hanging up until way past 12pm and on into the early morning. Now, however, he was deeply regretting it as he fought with everything he had to keep his eyes open and alert as exhaustion slowly made them heavier and his mind grew fuzzy.

Luckily for him, his boss' day was far too busy for her to care about how conscious her workforce was; having practically barricaded herself in her office for the entire morning. However that certainly hadn't stopped her sending piles of paperwork Jack's way. The Irishman groaned quietly as his eyes found the clock.

Jesus, his break was an hour away. The day was going slower than he'd thought.

Why the fuck did he take this job again? He was sure there'd been a reason. Why didn't he just call in sick like a normal person? What was he supposed to be doing? Fucking Mystery Man, calling him at night like he didn't have a job the next- 

Jack didn't notice how his eyes were slowly sliding shut until fingers were clicking under his nose, startling him awake abruptly. "You okay there, Jack? Had a late night?" A warm voice asked in concern. "You don't look so good."

It took a few seconds for it to click in Jack's mind that the person speaking was Nathan Sharp, better known as Nate; Georgia's second in command who was probably the closest thing Jack had to a friend in this ginormous city.

Jack was almost certain Nate was supposed to be giving him orders due to his high status in the company, but the other man never showed it; in fact Jack couldn't remember the last time Nate had ever demanded anything of him. In truth, Nate was too nice for his own good.

"I'm just tired, Nate. No need to worry." Jack mumbled, bringing his hand up once again to try and rub the exhaustion right out of his eyes.

He heard Nate laugh quietly and opened his eyes to see a bright grin lighting up his face, his black hair flopping across his forehead messily like he'd forgotten to brush it this morning. His ear piercings weren't in today, probably forgotten in the morning rush.

Jack had always thought Nate's choice of clothing didn't quite match up with his personality, but never had it been more obvious than today. He wore a white dress shirt with black slacks and a pale blue tie alongside a thick navy blazer for the weather. The Irishman fought back the impulse to wrinkle his nose at the outfit. It all just seemed too bland and vaguely boring for this man's sparkling personality, overflowing with energy and charisma and kindness.

"You look like you're about to drop dead, Jack. Go home and get some sleep. You're no use to anyone like this." The taller man suggested gently, putting a hand on Jack's shoulder as the man's head hung in defeat. Nate was right of course.

Still, Jack opened his mouth to protest weakly. "I can't just go. I'm got all this shit to do." He made a sweeping gesture with his arm to emphasis the layers of paper that surrounded him. There was shit here he knew wasn't in his job description. Files of paper he knew for a fact weren't supposed to end up on his desk. But still, somehow, anything and everything seemed to make its way into his office ever since word got around the floor below that he was somewhat of a workaholic.

People loved to take advantage, after all. Especially in this line of work.

Nate rolled his eyes with a bit of a smile tugging at the side of his mouth. "Georgia is working you too hard, I'll have to talk to her about it. We can't let you drown yourself in paperwork and coffee. I just won't allow it."

He Talks Too Much ~ SeptiplierWhere stories live. Discover now