Ancano- (response to ILY)

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You widen your eyes at his statement.

You didn't know why you fell in love with Ancano. But all you knew that you liked. That liking lead to loving without even you noticing.

He took your wrist and pulled you to a part of the college halls where nobody usually goes to.

You snatched your hand away in anger. "Don't touch me."
When you glanced upon his facial expressions, his face was beet red. It was either from the cold weather or... something else.

You know everything about him, well, general things at least.

You knew that he was a selfish, stuck-up, snob. His attitude with everyone is cold.

He took advantage of the fact that he was a 'superior' to all the mage students in the college. He walked around with his chin up thinking he was all high and mighty.

You knew his description very well, but why did you like him in the first place anyways?

What did you even think was gonna happen? Him accepting your love and you two walk away hand and hand in marriage? Haha!- no.

You did this because it was something you wanted to to out of your system. It was killing you inside out.

I didn't really go out as you planned.

How did you fall in love with such a twat anyways?

The plan was confess, run away, and go on with your life. Boy, it was easier said than done.

"Are you not gonna say anything at all?" Another cold snark came out his mouth.

You snap out of your thinking, and looked up at the clouds. At that moment, they looked really interesting. Hoping a smart remark would come up, but none came.

'What was I thinking?' You thought in your head. 'I hate how he tries to break my heart and gets mad because it ain't breakin.'

Your nostrils flared as you felt your throat like it was trying to swallow a big lump. You glared at him, eyes full of hatred. You expected this would happen, so why are you so upset?

"Look at me." Ancano sighed, rolling his eyes to look at your smaller or is your the same race as him, let's just say he is still taller than you okay? Okay) -body frame.

The funny thing is that he was getting mad at the fact he was running out of things to say as well.

You heard him growl, and it made you madder than you already were. You were expecting him to be smirking and acting all bitchy as always with you.

So you looked up at his face, frustrated over at the fact that he was actually quite attractive.

He tch'ed, and growled again, but more... dominant.

This made you smirk. You weren't gonna give him the satisfaction of you breaking right in front of him.

"First of all, you annoying (name)-" He glared at you with annoyance. Catching you in suprise when he roughly pushed you to the wall. "Anca- What the fu-?!"

"You don't just tell someone you love them then all the sudden fucking stay quiet." He muttered to your ear, voice clearly laced with irritation.

You made a mental note to make fun of him later of beinga pissy bitch, but holy shit, the way he spoke to you made your spine shiver with delight.

Being left clueless of what he meant, you pondered for a quick moment if maybe he-

You were rudely taken off your mind when you felt a chilling cold hand crawl up you thigh.

"WH-?!" You shout out, shy and embarrassed about the fact that you crush was touching you in such a lewd way.

He roughly bit at the nape of your neck, which made you yelp out. When your mouth opened, he took the chance to open your mouth to give a hot passionate kiss.

It suprised you how good it felt to make out with Ancano.

You gasp into it when he put his hands under your thighs the n lifting you, using the wall for support. His long digits carresed your thighs as his crotch brushed againts your heat.

You ulled apart when your lungs started to burn for the need for air. Your face was blushing, and it was clearly not from the cold.

"What do you think you're going to do?!" You manage to whimper out panting.

He smirked, a lustful and naughty glint in his eyes.


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