Chapter 2

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Jades POV

I buried my face into my pillow as Harry walked on stage. He looked so happy with them, without me.

"One Direction!" The Host's voice bellowed through the micro phone. Hundreds of thousands of girls cheered for the band. They came third in X-Factor yet seem to be more well known then the person who came first. They started to sing their new hit song, What Makes You beautiful. I walked out of the room with tears in my eyes, I couldn't stand watching Harry up there. Ever since he became famous and now has four new friends, he hasn't come to see me once. And I miss that, I miss the times we would hang out together or just be random weirdos. But most of all, I miss him. I sat on my bed stuffing my face with biscuits while reading on wattpad.

"Jade dinners ready" My Mum called out

"Coming!" I replied, dragging myself down the hallway to the dining room. I sat down to a table full of plates. We discussed our day, talked about tomorrow and school, and when everyone had finished i packed it in for an early night.

"Why you going to bed so early darling" my Dad asked while doing the dishes

"Just, tired" I answered "Had a late night last night" my Mum looked at my Dad with worry. I sighed before running up the stairs to my room. I lay in bed thinking, scared I would dream about him again. The X-Factor is almost over, I thought to myself, maybe next year I could enter myself. Maybe Harry will like me then, maybe he would realize that I'm just like him. He might even still care for me, just like how I care for him. Maybe, maybe that's all that ran through my head that night. I closed my eyes, but I just couldn't sleep. I sighed in defeat, and sat up in my bed. I grabbed my phone and got on twitter. I looked at my mentions. @Harry'sCurls:OMG you were friends with Harry when you were a kid?! Tell him I love him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @JadeyBowThirlwall:@Harry'sCurls I haven't spoken to Harry in years, sorry love. I looked at another mention

@Harry_Styles: @JadeyBowThirlwall: Hey Jade:)

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