Chapter 10

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Aaliyah POV
We was finna get out of school and i was with briyahnah I had to show her around and help her with stuff since she was new. Well now school is over 

Me: Briyahnah wanna come with me to meet my friends

Briyahnah: Foh sho

I laughed and walked over to them

Me:Briyahnah this is Kayla,Asia,Kelia,Teo,Zavi,Key,And Ayo

They waved and she waved back

Asia:Yall wanna have a sleepover at my  house

All: Sure

Asia: Okay be there by 7

All: Okay

Me: Briyahnah since you dont know where her house is you can come to mine and we can go together

Bri: Okay

We all went home and packed

Zavi POV

Tbh i think kelia cute even tho idk her like that

Kelia POV
IM BACK AND IM BETTER BUT I DONT WANT YOU BAD AS EVER Lemme stop anyway its like 6 and 1 more hour till i leave so i took a 30 min shower,put on some lotion and put on some pjs

Kelia POVIM BACK AND IM BETTER BUT I DONT WANT YOU BAD AS EVER Lemme stop anyway its like 6 and 1 more hour till i leave so i took a 30 min shower,put on some lotion and put on some pjs

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Tbh you can judge me all you but irdc cause i look flawless in this. Anyway i walked downstairs

Mom: Where are you going?

Me: To my friend's sleep over

Mom:Oh okay ask me next time


I walked out the door and over to asia house i knocked on the door and she answered

Asia: Hey gurll

Me: Hey

I walked inside and asia and them was wearing this

I walked inside and asia and them was wearing this

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Asia #1 Bri #2 Kayla #3 Aaliyah #4

Me:AYEEE WE MATCHING..Well not actually ma- You know what i mean

We laughed

Me:Where the boys

Aaliyah:Late like always

All: Truee

We heard someone knock on the door and i opened it. It was Teo,Zavi,Key,and Ayo I let them in they really didnt have on nun but a t-shirt and basketball shorts. They sat down

Key: Lets play T or D

In the next chapter they'll play Truth or Dare Sorry if the chapter was short i had to go eat

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