I Love You

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“Here lies Fernada Brittain alongside here beloved husband who was shot three months ago, Oliver Brittain.”

I covered my ears, trying to block out the voices but they wouldn’t stop.

“Oh poor June!”  “She’s all alone.”  “I wonder where she’ll go.”

I screamed, hoping it would make them go away.

“She was so in love”  “I still can’t believe she killed herself”  “It’s actually very romantic” 

Screaming louder than before, I threw the necklace in the lake, temporarily ridding myself of its charm. The tears poured down my face as I sobbed over my lost parents.

A hand landed on my shoulder, causing me to whip my head around.

“Oh, hi Mrs. Gallagher. You really didn’t have to stop by. I’m fine.” I furiously wiped away the tears, trying to convince her of what I was saying.

“Dear, I can obviously tell you need some company,” she says, while crouching next to me and wrapping her arm around my shoulder. A few more tears sneaked out from my eyes as I watched over the lake. Birds flew about, occasionally dipping under the water in search of fish.

“Maura,” I whispered. She gently turned her head toward me, smiling lightly.

“Yes June?”

“What would you do if your husband died?” She peered back across the lake, adjusting herself in to a more comfortable sitting position. She sighed lightly. I noticed her sneak a glance in my direction.

“I would do the same as your mother. You see, having a soul mate is very hard. You aren’t just emotionally attached to them but also physically. Once you meet your mate, you cannot survive without them. They are the other half to your necklace. You would die without them, as did your mother.”

 She reached in to her shirt, revealing to me her necklace. It was a beautiful silver four leaf clover with the word “love” engraved in to it.

“It’s gorgeous.” I see a shimmer on the lake and wonder if that’s my necklace shining under the sun.

“Where’s yours, Honey?” I laugh to myself before replying.

“I threw it in the lake but don’t worry. It’ll come back.” I chuckle again but quickly turn quite as I notice Maura giving me a stern look.

“You shouldn’t abuse its powers. One day, it might not return to you and then what would you do?”

“Throw a party, that’s what! The whole idea just seems overrated! I mean, you just fall in love with a complete stranger and have to spend the rest of your life with them. What if you don’t like them? What if the-“

“Come with me, June.”


“Come live with me. Are you planning to live alone until you find your soul mate? You’re 19 years old. You should live a little more.”

“I don’t want a soul mate! Why can’t you understand that?”

“You don’t get to choose. Everyone has one.” She stands up, brushing the dirt off of her bottom.

“Niall is visiting is two days and if you’d like to see him, come with me. The choice is yours.” She turns around and heads toward the small, orange farmhouse.

“Wait!” I yell, running to catch up.

“Niall’s really coming? I finally get to see him again?”

“Yes, Dear. I figured you’d missed him as much as he missed you.” She smiled and continued towards the house. We reach the stairs leading up the porch when she stops.

“Pack quickly, dear. I told Chris I’d be home before noon. He will be so happy to see you!”

 As quickly as I possibly can, I pack my things in to a small, blue suitcase. I hop down the stairs two steps at a time, feeling like a child again. This is the first time I will have been able to see Niall, my best friend, in three years. Whenever he visits, I always happen to be conveniently busy or out of town. But lucky for me, not this time!

“I’m ready when you are Mrs. Gallagher!” She chuckles at the sight of me. It’s amazing how easily my mood can be affected.

Shoving my suitcase in the trunk, I hop in the passenger side of the small, silver Volkswagen Golf. The blood rushes through my veins as I imagine seeing my best friend again. All of my problems disappear for a while as I picture what just might be the best day of my life.


The next two days dragged on slowly. Chris and Maura attempted to entertain me by telling so called “funny” stories but in all honesty, they didn’t help at all. I couldn’t be happier when I heard the car door slam those few days later, signifying Niall’s arrival.

My necklace all of a sudden jolted with heat as I heard more car doors shut. I’ve heard warmth is a sign of being close to your soul mate but I ignored that fact as I swung open the door.

I quickly spotted Niall out from his band mates and ran towards him. I grabbed his tall frame in a tight hug and started tearing up. Before I could get too emotional, my necklace started blazing, causing me to tightly clutch it. I screamed as it burned what felt like every part of my being.

I fell to my knees, sobbing as the pain intensified. Moaning could be heard from nearby but I barely registered it. I was then that two strong hand grabbing my face and yanked it upwards. I gazed in to the emerald eyes of an angel that caused my pain to instantly retreat and dried all my tears away.

I was staring in to the eyes of my soul mate.

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