The "Accident"

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Garroth's POV~
                      I was sitting there watching the sunset as Laurence came up to me.
"Are you okay?" He asked me. "Yes I'm fine." I told him as I stood up. As I was standing up I took a step forward. When I took the step forward I tripped.

Laurence's POV~
                     As Garroth tripped I tried to catch him but that didn't work. He fell on top of me and ended up kissing me. "Oh um I-I'm s-so s-sorry!" He said stuttering. I noticed he was blushing. I felt myself blush too. "I-It's f-fine." I said. I snapped out of it since I noticed I was stuttering. "We never speak of this EVER!" I exclaimed. "Agreed!" He said "Well you have a good night Garroth!" "You too Laurence." He said. When I got back to my house I had this weird feeling! "Do I like Garroth?" I asked myself "NO DON'T THINK LIKE THAT LAURENCE! Let's just go to bed and sleep on it!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2016 ⏰

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