Diary Entry Eight

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  • Dedicated to Talia

Jane dies 2 weeks later

Dear Diary:

I woke up hearing Mama cry I ask her whats wrong but she wont answere. I keep yelling Mama but she wont answere. I get up and what i see is my body in bed. How is this possible i wana get up i want mama. Im crying and confused. Out of the corner of my eye i see this pretty light and head toward it. As i walk to it mama looks up and prays. I think she said " Keep my baby safe shes your now". All of a sudden i have pretty wings and a halo. there are other kids just like me and they have wings to. They tell me this is heaven and to not be scared because i will see mama again someday and that the father will take care of us. I know by father she means jesus.

Many years Later

Dear Diary: 

Guess what Mama arrived. She kissed me so much i guess this story does end happy <3

Love Jane 

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