Chapter Seven

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DISCLAIMER: From this point forward, this is part of the original rewrite. I am still working on rewriting this story and will publish what I can when I can. So from this point forward, Winnie is not in the story. Some names might be mixed up, including Dalton/Griffin/Ryder. Any more questions...please comment!

"You don't always have to play The Rolling Stones when I come over, you know," Harry laughed as he stepped through my window and into the darkness of my room.

Instead of answering, I wrapped myself around him and kissed him until I couldn't breathe anymore. Harry responded quickly, hands finding their respective positions on either my cheek or my hip.

"I've missed you."

"I've missed you, too."

I kissed him again and got teary eyed. I loved kissing him. I loved his hand on my hip. I loved his eyelashes fluttering on my cheek. I was falling in love with him and I did not want anything to change that.

"I want to get out of here," I whispered between kisses, "I want to leave the town just for a little while."

Harry nodded, soaking in my words with curious eyes.

"Right now?"

I knew in that moment that if I had said yes, we would have left the town. We would have driven for miles until vast nothingness was stretched before us. We would drive until we found a town a lightyear away and we would settle in a tiny house with just enough room for the both of us.

So I told him soon, not now.

"Okay. Okay," he pressed his forehead against mine and nuzzled himself against me. He was warm and dry despite the drizzle outside.

"Tell me about your childhood," I quietly said, lying on top of my quilt.

He joined me quickly, keeping his arms around me and his nose close to mine.

"I had a dog named Lucy when I was in elementary school. She was a German Shepherd and she followed me around everywhere," he started, fingers lazily drawing shapes on my back, "I used to go to the creek near my house all the time and she would follow me there too. I would set up a line to catch fish and such, just to see them, not to eat them. One day I went to pee behind a tree and came back and Lucy was standing in the water nose touching something on the line. It was a snake."

I smiled, listening to the excitement in his voice and the laughter rolling off his tongue.

"A fat, long snake. I called for Lucy to get out of the water so we could leave, but she wasn't having it. Finally I got into the creek and grabbed her collar. The snake bit me right on the ankle." Harry lifted the leg of his flared jeans up so I could see the two tiny puncture scars on his left ankle.

"Was the snake venomous?" I whispered, running my fingers along his wounds.

"Thankfully, no."

Harry spoke and I listened for an hour, soaking in his words and falling deeper and deeper in love with him than I cared to admit. I wanted to be with him forever, lying on top of my orange quilt and staring into his swimming eyes.

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