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'refers to a classifcation system in which a story is marked for suitablity by age or content.

Rating levels indicate what amount of graphic language, violence, or sexual content a reader might anticipate within the story. Most fanfiction ratings still follow the USA Motion Picture Ratings established for television and movies, whereby G=General Audiences, PG=Parental Guidance, PG-13=Parental Guidance for Anyone Under 13, R=Restricted to Mature Audiences Only, and NC-17=No Children Under 17 Permitted. Another common rating is R18 (I've seen it mostly on Doujinshi) usually if not always a warning for sexual content.

However there are a growing number of sites now using the non-copyrighted Fan Rated Rating System with its equivalent values, and some other sites that use their own personal systems.

The Mature feature on Wattpad is a form of Rating.

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