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Melrose avenue! Awaken my love we have reached our destination. She stirs and wipes her concluded dream sequence from her heavy eyelids. Once docked they disembark and begin to explore. The heavy LED lights and white, shiny floors conflict with their dimly lit pupils. Their vacation has only just commenced. They encounter bell hops and servants before finally interacting with a person conducive to checking their room reservations and pool passes. Once their keys have been acquired the couple wander off, utterly spellbound by their surroundings. Their room number is found and their bags are unpacked. Their first act is to tour the place they never could afford to visit prior to stellar code 17-b. While making his way down the hall to find the ice machine the first familiar face he's bumped into at the resort is a retired significant other. Her face is suddenly hidden beneath luscious brown locks out of the memory of how they ended. Their courses required different turns for them to progress. During their era progress meant survival. Progress had now brought them success. They could live lavish off the sweat and broken bones of eons past. Resting easy at the current their eyes locked with an intensity never previously felt and the walls around them grew farther distorted from the truth as their newly formed polar qualities repelled each other. The tension passes and they both reflect on the other. The shared hardship they endured, the minute victories they shared, and that fateful departure from one another's company. These, along with the accompanying emotions forced a certain doubt into their minds. What if we never separated her mind conjured up a list of theories as his tested the limits of his ties to his current state of bound actions and words. He would love to explore this new set of possibilities and actualities set in his hands for molding ,yet his love overrules his lust and he fends off the mental process of contemplating the consequences of his emotions. She crashes on the couch still pondering the dream abruptly ended by her lover. The dream reinstated the possibility of her past love to be rekindled. She couldn't bear the thought of choosing new versus old but she fathomed the chance of having both. She sluggishly raised an arm to grab her phone. Hoping his number was still there, grasping for phantoms, she returned disappointed in her past decisions to cut him out of her life. She ventured out of her room with the belief a long walk, an odyssey throughout the resort, would clear her mind of the concepts she had been contemplating for hours consciously and unconsciously. This journey served to replace her waking thoughts of him with innocent curiosity  on the items and structures enclosing her and housing her lover for the next week. The overemphasized bay window at the end of the hall, comparable to a full scale observation room, drew her attention. The limitless dark abyss of space sparks her imagination with a dash of  her juvenile memories for context. The twinkle of a piano's higher keys flooded her ears as if the dam of her memories had breached. Her memories flicker in a manner similar to  vintage camera film. The pure euphoric smiles of a toddler at play bring a tear to her vacant eyes. Her physical being was no longer occupied by a soul, the one previously inhabiting traveled along a golden thread of nostalgia. Her immature giggle returned to her shortly after and she began to regress to a time when the wings of an angel could be added and cause no changes to the views of the people observing her. Her extra-temporal siesta was gently brought to a close by a soft touch on her shoulder. The man behind her was walking by and observed from a far how her emotions had blended into a locked bearing of happiness and complete outward display of sadness. He marveled at her features noting that she had come from a time before stellar code 17-b and how time had dulled her hardened outer features. When her mind returns to its physical vessel she immediately recoils from his touch. Her features dulled but not her reflexes as she forcibly subdued the man before realizing her surroundings. The man, writhing beneath her knee, happens to be the precise poltergeist she had been dreaming of. The reunion had come at the most unpredictable moment and not in the way she would have preferred. However, when he inquired if she would accompany him on his return to his non permanent residence for the week, she had not declined him. As the neared the door she made one last check around to see if anyone else from her past would decide to materialize and ruin her reminiscing. The door closes and her fate is sealed. Her lover of current was curiously wandering and caught a glimpse of her slightly hardened and war torn shoulder. He could recognize all the scars that his fingers have caressed countless times whilst they enjoyed the other's touch. The locked door signaled only one probable outcome. He felt as though he had been impaled. He could feel a tearing of heart,lung,sternum, and spine. He sank to intersection of the wall and the upward sloped floors. He knelt there long enough to be greeted by an antique janitor sweeping the corridor. 
" you alright there sonny?" 

"No. I'm questioning if the past 3 years of this existence I was gifted are worth defending." "Well what seems to be the root of your enigmatic conundrum?" 
"The girl I love is in this corridor accompanying another man to his room. The door was locked as I came around the corner however I know it was her. " " Whew thats heavy... well sonny you have two options 
1 is go break the door down and fight for what's yours 
2 become a nomad as our forefathers were in the early days of the stellar codes." 
"Sir I love her and I'm willing to fix what we had " "Sunny there's no fixing this mess. Take this opportunity and start fresh. The stars are calling. " 
As that sentence concluded the janitor noticed a sheen in the boy's eye and a tweak to his demeanor. In that instant a new character was born. Forever to be referred to as jet. The tears of heart break became symbols of passion as he revved the engines of his star cruiser. Speeding away from melrose avenue, the words became his mantra as he plotted a course for nowhere. 
"That's exactly right...The stars are calling." With that his cruiser approached light speed and the new life to be forged ahead of him merged with stars passing him by.

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