I was sitting in my room on the floor, crying holding myself. He accused me of lying to him, he told me I was a Liar, I was a stupid bitch he took the Keys away from me, held me down on the bed so I couldn't leave, all I wanted to do was go home. He was drinking that night heavily, he had to start an argument, he just had to. I knew that night, it was going to be over. I packed my bags and left that morning. He told me I was lucky he didn't do more, because he could've done worse, but he loved me was how he justified not hitting me. We were together for a year. I thought that I was going to be with him forever he was the love of my life in my crazy world. Love will Jade the hell out of you. I had the relationship that looked amazing on the outside it looked so good, but on the inside it was arguments over dumb shit, I couldn't wear certain clothes because they were too revealing, I wore too much make up, I didn't do enough of something, my sex drive isn't the same anymore, I never want to go out and do anything. There was always something. Now tell me this; I'm going to list off a few things that I believed to be important and What I needed in a relationship. Honesty, communication, loyalty, being goofy, respectful, willing to listen at all times, not selfish,and of course Love. I have a longer list but I will save that for a different time. Now from reading the list is that too much to fucking ask. I thought I was in love with him.
Please feel free to comment and vote of course for ya girl. No disrespectful comments or anything I love constructive criticism, not nonsense. Thank yo again and I hope you enjoy.
RomanceLately I have been thinking to myself you know what I feel that I need to share my story. Yes I am a young woman, but there are so many women and girls that have been through similar struggles and I feel that I should share my story and the lessons...