Chap 1 - Coffee

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  I walked in the coffee shop with the usual hoodie and glasses and walked to the counter a man stood behind it, he was tall and quiet large, he looked around 20. "What ya gettin' today lad?" "A Yorkshire please?" I said. "Will do." he replied as he walked off to the backroom.

  I sat on a stool and took of my hood and glasses, the bridge off it began to start getting annoying. I listened to a familiar tune coming from the static radio in the back. It was Lego House. I sang along to my song and tapped on the counter.

  The man came back in "Ed Sheeran fan? My girl, she's asleep in the back, she loves him!" he said enthusiastically. "Well I would say I'm more than a basic Sheerio." I laughed. "Then what are ya?" he asked a bit more seriously. "Ed Sheeran in the flesh!" I told him chuckling. He put the Yorkshire on the table "I'll be right back." he barely finished his sentence by the time he disappeared in the backroom again.

  I sipped my coffee ready to meet his girlfriend.

  After about seven minutes he came back with a short brunette following behind. She lifted her eyes and met mine. She smiled and did a little cheery dance. She didn't speak though. I didn't notice how confused I must have looked till the man spoke. "She's physically mute. She can't speak." I frowned. The girl sat down next to me and signed something to him. "Okay sweetie." he said and went to the back with a little bit of a jog going on.

  We talked. Well I did, she just nodded and made signs with her hands, most of them I understood. Soon we were all three sipping drinks and talking. I looked at the time and finished my drink. I had to go!

  I hugged the girl and kissed her cheek, and finished my goodbyes.

  I walked out of the store and started walking down paths getting me lost deeper and deeper into the city. I forgot my glasses at the store so I hid in my hoodie. After walking down various streets I started to be drawn towards an amazing smell. I followed my nose until I saw a sign for the spawn of the smell, it was some kind of buffet place. It was still some. distance away.

  I started to continue my way over, then I started to turn a corner.

  I tripped over a mound of something and hit my face on the concrete pavement. I heard something shifting behind me. I turned my bleeding face towards the noise.

  A small girl was lying on the ground covered with a thin green blanket, obviously homeless. She stood up clutching her blanket silent. She was in a pair of short shorts and a ripped gray shirt and one sandal. She looked nearly naked. "Hey, what's your name love?" I asked standing. "Marvel." she replied as she fixed a tangle in her black hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2014 ⏰

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