Chapter one - Phoebes pov

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"Phoebe I won therefore you must." Maya said to me. Maya had a crush on this cute boy and we made a bet. Since I lost I have to get his phone number. "Fair enough.. but you're coming too." I sighed. She joined me by my side. "Do I really have to?" I asked annoyed. She nodded enthusiastically. We walked over to the basketball court where he was hanging. There were a few other kids there as well. I didn't know any of them. I approached a tall one. He seems to be a loner, which is usually the type that she likes. "Hi.." I said quietly. He looked up at me slowly. "Hello." He replied. He had pretty blue eyes. There was another guy who caught my attention and I started to forget about the one in front of me. "You playing or what.?" A dude called out. "Yeah. Gimme the ball." The tall dude in front of me called out. I slowly started to walk off the court. Maya frowned.

"Aw. I'll buy you some ice cream." I told her. She was still being pouty. I checked my phone. It was 6. I hate how I lost track of time it's already dark. Mom will probably wonder where I am. "Fine." She said. We walked to the nearest ice cream shop. "One strawberry and one Oreo please." I told the person at the register. She walked to the back of the store. I looked over to the door and saw a group of teenage boys enter. Before I could identify them they all pulled there hoods up. The lady came back with the ice cream. "That'll be.. 5.26." She mumbled. I gave her six dollars she look like she was having a rough day. "Keep the change." I told her walking over to Maya. I gave Maya her ice cream. "Yay! I love you." She said taking it. I chuckled. "I think we better go home." I told her. She nodded in agreement. She walked over to the door and held it for me. I walked out. The street lights lit up the road. Now I felt kind of stupid for not bringing my jacket because it was a little chilly. "Hello." A voice said. We stopped walking. I turned behind me. It was just a group of boys from earlier. They still had their hoodies on. I didn't respond to them, Maya didn't either. "Are you lost?" One boy said. I shook my head no. They were all taller then us. But this is normal, we are short peeps. I started to get a bad feeling. "Well we better go.." I said tugging on Maya's shoulder. She looked at me. "Yeah.. I have to feed my dog.." Maya added. "Oh, Max will be fine." A different boy said. I froze. How did they know his name? But maybe they guessed because Max is a common name for a dog. "Follow us we know a short cut." The same guy said. "I think not." Maya said frustrated. "Little girl. I didn't ask you." One said stepping up. She glared at him. Usually she shows no fear but I know that she's terrified as much as I am. "Phoebe.. Run!" She yelled to me. She took of run and two guys followed her. The other two looked at me. My heart started racing as I started running. Maybe I should've ran off in the same direction, too late now. I jumped over the stones leading into the graveyard. They had dim lights making it difficult for me to see what I was stepping on. I felt arms grab me and I screamed and started kicking. "Danny you got her?" A guy asked infront of me. "Yeah dude. Your slow." The guy who I knew as Danny now said. "Put me down you weirdo!" I yelled kicking. He started carrying me bridal style. "Uhhhhhh..No." He responded. "Where's the other one?" Danny asked. He lowered his hood. So did the other guy. I didn't recognize either one of them. "If you scream I'll rip your tongue out." Danny said looking at me. I whimpered. Why am I scared of him? He is the same age of me.. I think. "Yo we got her!" A voice yelled. Two boys came yelling towards us. "Why is her mouth covered?" Danny asked. The two looked at each other. "She bit Stacey.." One said. I assumed the other one is Stacey. Danny laughed. "Wimp." He chuckled. "Ehh. But who's in charge?" Stacey asked. Danny stopped laughing. "Alright come on guys." Stacey said walking. Danny strengthen his grip on me. I started screaming and kicking. I have to get free. "Uh guys help.." Danny said almost dropping me. I tried hitting him. Stacey walked over to me and put a hand on my forehead. "Don't touch her." Maya mumbled. "Sleep now. It'll make everything easier." He said. I looked away. No way am I falling asleep now! Everything started to go black..

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