Chapter 2-Train Vibes

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I stepped on the train. It was...heart stopping. Crystal chandeliers, was like a dream. I sat down in a chair in front of some sweets. I was a little hungry but I didn't want anyone to think that I'm a pig. Noah sat next to me. "Hi! I'm Cecelia, your mentor. Woof is probably sleeping somewhere...but that's okay!" A lady with long black hair said. She looked to be in her early 20s. "I have a question...should we ally with other tributes or go solo?" Noah asked. "Depends. If you are going to ally, then be extremely careful. I personally wouldn't, but it's up to you." She says tucking her hair behind her ears. "What about the careers? Should we try to join them?" He asked. The careers? I'd seen enough hunger games to know that those snakes only say they want you then kill you while you sleep. "Again, I wouldn't personally, but it's your call. And you might want to take what I say into consideration. I've won this." She said. I could tell that Noah didn't like the fact that she wouldn't want him to join the careers. "How about you little lady? Any questions?" She asked me. "When arena time comes, do I run away or search the outskirts for something?" I asked. "Awesome question. I would search the outskirts, but if you want to run away it's understandable. Make sure you get a pack.  Those things are miracles. Plus, they might have a little knife inside." She said. "That makes no sense. If all the really good wepons and packs are in the middle, then why not go to the middle?" Noah asked. He sounded like a complete  idiot. "Because, the only way you get out is to kill someone. And the careers will be guarding it. Don't put yourself in a situation where you come face to face with a career. It's not pretty." She said. Noah shifted uncomfortably. "Well if you have any other questions just ask me. Its going to be a long while before we reach the capitol. You can wander around the train or eat something." She said grabbing a scone of one of the platters. Noah got up and went to another car. Once Noah was gone, she looked at me. "How old are you, sweetie?" She asked cupping my face with her hands. "Third-teen." I answered. The expression on her face grew sad. "Way too young..." She said with the sound of true pity. "Cecelia! Have you seen Woof yet? I've been looking all over for him!" Our Escort said. "No I haven't but I'll help you find him." She said getting up and exiting the car with our Escort. I looked around at the sweets. I do want one but there are a lot of choices. I finally set my eyes on something. I'm not sure what it was, but It looked good. Picked it up off the platter and sat back down.

By the time I was finished eating, I could tell we were close to the capitol. I wonder if the chariots are today? My mom used to not let me watch the games. She was even reluctant to let me watch it last year after that gory bloodbath it had. I got up and went through the same door Noah and Cecelia went through. The cars just got more beautiful by the car. Finally, at the end of one of the cars, I saw Noah bonding with a guy in his late 40s. "Ah, you must be the female tribute! Join us!"He said. He must be Woof. I knew he's a victor, but I don't know what games he was in. I walked towards him and Noah. "What's your name?" Woof asked. "Twyla. Twyla Burton." I said holding my hand out. He shook it. "We were just talking about shelter. I was telling Noah that caves are dangerous.. To be safe, find  We walked untilsomething like a stick or rock to throw in there to make sure it's safe. But caves are cold. Only light a fire inside a cave. Otherwise it's a smoky flare." Woof said. I wouldn't light a fire anywhere in the arena. "Lets get started on survival skills..."

After the long talks about survival skills, we arrived at the capitol. I looked out the windows. I don't know what mas more beautiful, the capitol or the train. "This way down the stairs." Cecelia said pointing to the stairs. I could hear voices. Lots of cheery voices. I rushed down the stairs and opened the door. Mountains of capitol people were cheering. Cecelia, Woof, and our escort got in front of us and led us through the crowd. I wonder why they are so excited about us? We're just normal tributes. Maybe they just get excited about all the tributes every year. "Come on! The tribute parade is tonight and we have no time to waste!" Our escort said as she pushed us into the capitol building. I hope they don't try to alter me too much...I'm a tribute, not one of them. I hope they don't get that twisted.

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