Chapter 7

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"Alright Dinah, Mani, and Justin let's go. Demi and August y'all stay and protect the others" I said hopping off the bus and hitting a zombie in the head with the butt of my gun.

"That's nasty" Dinah said cringing.

"Just kill the shits" Normani said slicing a couple heads off and wiping off her blade.

"Just let your anger and frustration take over" I said climbing on top of the bus helping mani and Dinah up. When I got them up I hit a front flip off so I could land right in front. When I landed I lost my balance and fell cause a zombie grabbed my leg I closed my eyes and was waiting to get bit but instead I was splattered with blood. I opened my eyes and saw that Lauren had her gun outside the window getting nothing but head shots. I got off the ground and went back to killing, I pulled my 2 daggers out of my shoes and started stabbing zombies right between their eyes.

"Alright it's clear" Demi yelled.

"Dinah go" I yelled telling her to run for the bus. She made a run for it and got inside. I went to stop Normani but I couldn't she had this look in her eyes it was as if she was enjoying this.

"Mani come on" Demi yelled but she continued to slice their heads off. I tossed her over my shoulder and Lauren kept shooting to clear us a path to the bus. When I got to the bus I went inside and took Normani straight to the back not saying a word to anyone. I took the bloody sword out of her hand and tossed it to the other side of the room then I grabbed her face with both my hands and pulled her into a kiss. She immediately kissed me back but I pulled away before it got too heated.

"Don't ever do that shit again" I said hugging her tight.

"What I do" she asked confused.

"Normani when you get too into it like that it's easier to die" I said holding her hands in mine.

"I'm sorry baby I promise it won't happen again" she said kissing me.

"It better fucking not" I said pulling her to the front with the others.

"I'm going to wash these brains off me" Dinah said walking to the back.

"We might as well do the same" I said to Mani making her nod her head in agreement and drag me to the bathroom where Dinah was.

"We gone join you" Normani said and Dinah nodded but then said just showering making me and Normani pout and nod.


"I hungy" Kaylee said in her little baby voice.

"Me too" Troy said.

"Demi I need you to stop somewhere" I said.

"Well we passed a publix on the way here I say we stay there for a few nights" Demi said.

"No cause it's just food and shit we need a place to sleep with clothes and shit too" I said.

"Damn you're right" she mumbled.

"The mall" I said smirking.

"Smart girl" she said making a U turn heading for the mall.

"Alright when we get there girls take the kids to find somewhere to sleep, boys find some food and extra amo and shit, then me Demi and Natalie will find clothes for everyone and some book bags to carry supplies" I said.

"Sounds good to me" Jonathan said.

"Litty lit" I said dabbing making everybody laugh.


"Aye what the fuck is that" Demi asked looking at the big ass mountain of food the boys brought to us.

"Heaven" I said with a huge smile on my face.

"Nah a heart attack" Natalie said.

"Shut up that's my future husband" Dinah said looking at the food like it was the last thing on earth.

"That good look all kinds of daddyish" Normani said.

"Y'all belong together" Jonathan said laughing.

"On god" Natalie said laughing.

"Alright Y/n, and Nat let's go get the clothes" Demi said. I gave my babies and kiss and went with my best friends to find some clothes for everyone.

"Let's go to top shop" Natalie said.

"Bitch we not shopping me surviving" I said laughing at my best friend.

"I'm just trying to make the most of it" she said laughing.

"I peep" I said shaking my head.

"You shop for you and the boys and we got the girls and the kids" Demi said and I nodded my head.

"We'll meet up here" I yelled reviving an okay in return. Before I even made it to footlocker I heard somebody scream and it sounded familiar. It wasn't coming from where the girls were it was coming from the opposite direction. I know I'm part black but I'm super save a hoe today so I went to check it out. When I got there I saw my ex girlfriend attacking some girl. I pulled out my dagger and walked right up and stabbed her in the back like she did me. I know y'all are like damn you crazy for stabbing the bitch but hell nah her crazy ass tried to kill me. When she fell to the ground I kicked her to move her out of the way and I helped the girl out of the corner. "What's you're name shawty" I asked.

"Zendaya" she answered.

"Who else is here with you" I asked.

"My brother Lucas" she answered.

"Well I'm-" i started but she cut me off.

"Y/n, I know I'm a fan" she said smiling.

"You have a really pretty smile" I said chuckling.

"Thank you" she said blushing a little.

"Let's go find your brother" I said walking out the room with her following close behind.

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