Prologe 1

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For as long as I can remember I've always gotten my way. All I ever had to do was ask someone to do something for me and they would do it, no questions, no weird looks or hateful glares. I always could tell what people were thinking, how they would react in any situation. I could analyze anyone and everyone. I didn't realize it was anything special until I was five, when my mother's sister came over she called me a freak a monster, unholy, because I knew what she had done. I knew she had been cheating on her husband.

I didn't know how I knew but I didn't think anything of it. I was five, I liked that I knew things others didn't I liked to brag, to show off. So it was no surprise when I ran around the house telling everyone. I told my mother I told my father, my brother, I even told my aunt and grandparents, everyone. My aunt was thrown out she was considered a disgrace to the family a whore. She fought them on it, she tried to lie she tried to pin the problem on me but everyone was already persuaded. She had left, but not before throwing me some choice words, yelling at me telling me I should just shut up that I was a good for nothing brat that didn't deserve the trust I was given, that I was an unholy monstrous freak.

She had found my little gift was much more than instincts, she found out the monster I really am and she had made sure I knew too. I was five, those words didn't bother me they didn't hurt me I couldn't comprehend what they meant, not until I was 11.

When I was in the fifth grade I had figured out that my words could change people, that when they herd me they weren't the same they didn't do what they wanted only what I said they didn't have a will. I only did it once to people outside of my family it wasn't on purpose, I wasn't trying to.

I was always small for my age always alone during recesses always away from everyone. I was sitting on the ground leaning on the brick wall of the school. A boy with blond hair and his friends had come over to my little corner. I didn't think anything of it until the leader grabbed me by my shirt collar ordering I do something for him. I don't remember what exactly something along the lines of thievery. When I said no he threatened me yelling at me over and over about what he would do to me if I didn't help. I said no again. He threw me to the wall calling me a weak little bitch. My temper got the better of me, I couldn't hear anything other than the blood pounding in my ears. I felt my lips move it wasn't until after I spoke that I completely comprehend my words. I told him to go die in a hole.

That's where I went wrong, I didn't realize I gave him an order until it was too late.

I felt him go ridged and watched as his eyes clouded over and his firm grip on my collar slacked and drop me to the floor. I felt my mind and his start to link, all I could hear was the word 'die' being repeated the boys mind. Clumsily he started towards the pond at the edge of the play ground. It wasn't deep and it shouldn't have been a problem if someone were to fall in but this was an exception.

His friends stood there watching him leave before running after him. I sat on the ground watching in shock, I could feel the ghost of his movements on my own limbs. I could feel him breath and his body sway with the wind, this was new this never happened before the connection was typically weak at best but now it seemed so strong. I tried to enter his closed off mind to help in someway but there was no use and the severity of the situation hit me all at once.

I told him to die, I told him he should die, I told someone they should die, me, I did, I was a monster and now a soon to be killer. I didn't know how to stop this I never could stop them no matter how many times I tried I would tell them to stop or try to release their own mind from the cage I set them in but they couldn't leave they didn't have the choice of listening to anyone or anything. So I sat in horror as the boy walked to the pond and walked further and further in. Feeling the ghost of water around my legs and the chill. I watched as he fell into the water. I felt the impact, I felt the blonds air leave his lungs and the pressure of the water around him, the screaming of his lungs for air in my own. I couldn't breath properly only managing little gasps of air as the pressure pain increased. Nearly a minute and a half passed before I felt his mind shut down and his body worked to get air only to breath in more and more water. I could feel distant hands around he blonds shoulders and waist as the pressure of the water decreased almost at the surface and all at once there was nothing.

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