!Neko Eren x !Neko Reader

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"Hey Eren what would you do if you saw (y/n) wearing something like this?" Levi mischievously smirked, showing Eren a picture of a model in a lingerie set complete with a bra, panties, thigh-high lace stockings and suspender belt. (basically something similar to what Millianna above is wearing, only sexier) Eren blushed bright pink as he thought of the dirty things he probably would do and devilishly smirked saying, "Well I guess I would have to fuck her hard." Levi fist bumped him and the two grinned. Eren realised he was getting a bit hot and bothered so he quickly excused himself running to the bathroom to take care of himself. Unfortunately for them you over heard and were sat there blushing furiously, thinking of ways to possibly kill Levi for giving Eren ideas. You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn't see said cat speeding towards you, causing the two of you to tumble down the hallway, ending up in an embarrassing position. You were straddling Eren sitting safely above his semi-hardened crotch, eyes widened blushing. "OMG! S-sorry (y-y/n)! Didn't see you there." He desperately said getting up and running straight to his destination. You were still dazed and confused from what just happened but quickly recovered. Suddenly you realised why he went to the bathroom and a tiny grin graced your lips showing off your fangs. 'Perhaps just this once I'll spare your perverted mind, Levi' you thought grabbing your keys and heading to the mall.

Timeskip to Victoria's Secret~

After spending a good 15 minutes of blushing and looking with your friend  Mikasa, who just so happened to work  in Victoria's Secret, you decided on a black and blue lingerie set. "So let me guess, is this to please your boyfriend?" Mikasa teased. You blushed, knowing that she was referring to him. "N-not exactly and he's not my boyfriend... yet!" you slightly yelled. Mikasa just giggled giving you a knowing smirk. "You guys have been living in the same building for what, 3 years now and you STILL haven't confessed to each other?! At least now's your chance." (Yeah sorry I forgot to mention earlier: you and Eren are just friends who live together but over the past year you two developed feelings!) She said scanning the clothing. "I know. Thanks Mika, sayonnara." and with that, you left the store planning on how you were finally going to get Eren. 

Back at home~

By the time you got back, Levi was already gone. 'Perfect! Now just act natural (y/n) eat dinner with him, wash the dishes and get changed.' you reminded yourself. As soon as you walked in a delicious familiar aroma assaulted your nostrils and your ears perked up in excitement. "Konnichiwa Eren! Mmm something smells really good." you said, drooling a little. A slight chuckle was heard from the kitchen and Eren came out greeting you with a smile. "Hey (y/n)! Glad you like it I'm making us (f/f) tonight." your eyes lit up with glee as you gave him a quick hug. 'She's SO KAWAII!!' Eren thought as he hugged you back, a bit of pink dusting his cheeks. "Arigatou Eren!" you beamed, releasing him from the hug. He was slightly disappointed from you releasing the hug, but his ears twitched from curiosity as he noticed what you had in your hands. "Ne, (y/n) what's that you got there?" he asked pointing to the bright orange Superdry bag you used to disguise the VS bag containing your outfit. "Oh this? It's just another jumper that I bought, nothing particularly special! Hehe" you quickly said running upstairs to put it away, leaving a slightly confused Eren. 'Phew! That was close way to go at acting NATURAL (y/n)!' you scolded yourself. After sorting yourself out you happily skipped down the stairs and sat at the table with Eren putting out your (f/f) food in front of you. "Wow this looks so good thanks again Eren!" you said, your (e/c) eyes sparkling. Eren watched as you put some in your mouth, waiting to see your reaction. "Omg it tastes absolutely amazing too, I rate it 100/10." "Gee thanks (y/n) I'm relieved I cooked it right." he blushed rubbing the back of his neck.

After Eating~

Once the two of you had finished, Eren went to watch TV, whilst you washed the dishes. You hummed a song as you washed, growing more and more excited at what was to come, but a little nervous at the same time. 'What if he rejects me? Will this completely destroy our friendship?' you pondered. Meanwhile, Eren was planning on confessing to you whilst thinking the exact same things as you 'I really do like her, but what if me confessing totally screws us up?'. Soon enough, you finished washing up and decided to be brave and carry out your mission. You went to your room and slipped into the lingerie spraying yourself in the new perfume you had also bought called 'Pure Seduction' (I actually have this perfume and it smells so nice and i thought it would be appropriate enough for this XD), put some cherry lip gloss on and put your (f/c) dressing gown over it. Eren was too engrossed in what he was watching to notice you sneaking behind him, until you stood directly in front of him. "Ah (y/n)! Perfect timing, I wanted to talk to you." He said beckoning you to sit next to him. "I wanted to talk to you as well what a coincidence." you smiled. There were a few minutes of silence between the two of you, but Eren soon broke it and took your hands in his to make you look at him. "(y/n)." he said whist blushing. You stared into his teal eyes, your heart beating faster and faster. "We've known each other for ages now and I just wanted to say I-I love you -" You cut him off by placing your lips on his, taking him by surprise. "E-eren I love you too." you whisper whilst holding his cheeks blushing. Eren smiles and pulls you in for another kiss, tasting the cherry on your lips. 

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