My Love Is Closer Than I Think

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Wren's POV

Wren's Dream

I was in my dorm alone walking through to the living room when I saw Jonghyun laying on my couch watching one of my favorite movies Pretty In Pink,which suprised me cause he hates watching it with me unless I beg him and use the puppy eyes,which work everytime.

"Hey Baby."

I looked around for who he could be calling Baby,but no one else was here,not Aria,Izzy or anyone.I lowered my head wondering what the hell was going on.

"Wren,are you ok?"

I looked up and all of a sudden,he was right in front of me,his face literally inches away from mine,I could feel his body heat radiating off of him,why was it so hot all of a sudden? I moved my head a bit to see he was SHIRTLESS,and oh god did he have abs and muscles and OMG he's wearing LOW WAIST BLACK SWEATPANTS!!! Oh my god,I'm sweating so much.

"My goodness Wren,you're sweating like crazy,should I get you a towel?"

I was so confused as to why he was treating me like I was his girlfriend,am I dreaming?

"Sure Bling Bling thanks,and maybe some water too?"

"Anything for you my love."

He went out the room and I sat down on the couch when I remembered what he called me. HE CALLED ME HIS LOVE!! Pinch me,I'm clearly dreaming.

He came right back with the towel and cup of water and started wiping the sweat off while I drank the water quickly like I was dying.

"Oh my,someone was surely hot." I blushed and hid my face when he said that but he placed two of his fingers underneath my chin and lifted my head so he could see my reddening face.

"You know you can't hide your beautiful face when you blush,I love seeing it." He kissed my cheek,making my face more impossibly red.He chuckled softly with a low tone.

He looked down,as did I and I noticed I had on a sweater that was WAYY too big for me but could fit him perfectly.

"Well no wonder you're sweating so much,you have on my sweater from that time we matched at Panera Bread,but who knew you could put off both your sweater AND mine?"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing,I mean I know he complemented me so much over the past 9 nine years of our friendship,but never like this. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?

"Why don't you take it off so you can feel more comfortable and not sweat so much?" He was being considerate but I had NO idea what was under the sweater,if there WAS anything underneath.

"Umm.....uh.....I'm ok but um thanks for being so sweet."

He looked at me like I was crazy. 

"Wren,I know you can be pretty stubborn,but I don't think risking your health is a good reason to be stubborn.Now take it off so you don't pass out."

"Make me." I told him like a little kid while crossing my arms and sticking my tongue out at him.

"Alright,but you leave me no choice." He had a smirk on his face and I had NO clue why.

Out of nowhere,he starts to tickl me,knowing the fact I'm VERY ticklish against me and took off the sweater when I didn't notice.

"Now that wasn't so hard,at least now,you'll feel better in your shirt and shorts."

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