Frilly and Flasky pt. 3

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When the duo got back to their dorm room, Canada barely had time to have a glass of water or even grab a snack before he said over his shoulder, "Ash, I'll be out for a while. I'll be back by 8:30." The brunette replied from her bed where she was lying down and reading a book to match the mood, The Selection. "Hm? Ok then, see you later Canada~" Minutes passed after Canada left until Ashleigh got up from bed.

"Welp, better try on that dress. Silly Canada, you didn't have to buy me a dress..." Ashleigh said to herself while she slid a bookmark into her book and opened the bag that contained her new dress. "I will kill America when I see him next... A DRESSY party?! Man, I can't even wear a skirt inside the house without feeling uncomfortable..." Holding up the dress over her baggy t-shirt, Ashleigh turned to face the mirror that stood next to her closet and contemplated her opinion of the dress. 'I hope it fits' the brunette thought while placing the dress inside her closet.

"What day is it today anyways?" Ashleigh turned to look at the calendar nailed up on the wall. July the 3rd. "The party's tomorrow?!" Darn, she forgot to buy Al his present! Quickly slipping on some more decent clothes- a red hoodie with the school emblem, jeans and some Converse- Ashleigh Quickly wrote a note for Canada in case he came home before her. Finally slipping on her glasses, she left the note on his bedside table and left the dorm.

"What to get an American who is obsessed with his own country, burgers and superheroes?" Ashleigh thought out loud as she strolled through the mall when she came across a small craft store and saw something that caught her eye. Excited as a kid who woke up on Christmas morning, Ashleigh ran inside of the shop and purchased a cross-stitching kit that had an American flag design and decided to buy the Canadian flag pack as well, seeing as Canada's birthday was two days ago and he insisted that they didn't have a party for him. No matter how hard America and Ashleigh tried to convince him, he was really set on not doing anything. Ashleigh paid for the items and raced back home before she lost too much daylight to work with.

Upon arriving home, the brunette kicked open the door and didn't stop to take off her shoes before she started breaking open the American Flag kit and got to work on America's birthday present. It was almost midnight when Ashleigh fell asleep, both patterns finished and framed and wrapped up. About then did Canada come back to their dorm. He got a call from America earlier and had to help him set up everything for the party tomorrow. The blond went fishing for his keys inside his pants pocket when he realized he didn't need them 'cause the door opened up with an eeire creak. "Why is the door open?" he muttered to himself, pushing the door open all the way and flipping on the light switch. He found Ashleigh passed out on her study desk, two wrapped boxes sitting happily next to her.

A small smile made its way on the Canadian's face when he saw his roomate. 'I'll wake her up in the morning instead.' Canada thought to himself and carefully carried the currently sleeping brunette and laid her down on her bed that had a Philippine flag.... well, everything! Pillow case, bed spread and comforter were decorated with her home flag, kinda like his bed, only, it was the Canadian flag, naturally. "Goodnight, Ashleigh." Canada said- whispered- and gave her a chaste kiss on the forehead that only reminded him of that time when Kei, his cousin and the physical representation of Vancouver, had him and Ashleigh pretend to be his parents and made them ki--- "NO Canada! Don't think about it..." he muttered to himself so as not to awake the sleeping Filipina, or at least, that's what she calls herself... Kinda like how Prussia calls himself Prussian... Whatever...

Canada just shook his head, as if doing so could make him stop thinking about that one time. Climbing into his own bed, Canada took of his glasses and placed them on his bedside table when he noticed something white. It was hard to see without his glasses. Brushing it off, he decided to just check in the morning. Pulling the Canadian flag comforter over himself, Canada turned off the lights and went to sleep.

-Author's corner-

I would like to thank AshleyKaramihan for doing this chapter. May thanks!


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