Thor Odinson x reader : Hot drinks

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Winter was always your favorite season. (if it's not in sorry) The cool air blew in your face as you walked down the streets of New York a hot chocolate in hand. And that's when you bumped into him. Scolding hot chocolate burned your skin as you stifled a yelp. See that didn't make you very angry what put you over the edge though was the fact he didn't even stop no even a quick sorry he just kept going. See you were not very quick to anger but today you had had enough. You jogged up to the stranger eyeing him with your best death stare. "Excuse me sir but I believe you don't just go around knocking hot drinks onto people like that!" You yelled.
He only smiled at you " ah you midgaurdians and your hot beverages so quick to anger. I am very sorry miss but I must be going." He stopped before moving across the street. "By the way miss what should I call you. I must need to know for future purposes like buying you a new shirt for instance."
You smirked writing your number on an old gum wrapper and handing it to him.
" My names (y/n)" he started to walk away when you scrunched your eyebrows "hey! I didn't get your name!"
"Thor!" Was all he said. Your jaw dropped you just had a conversation with an Avenger. A sly smirk crossed his face as he walked away.

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