Day 3

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Chapter 3

I woke up and my body felt so heavy. My head is pounding with massive pain and every move makes my muscles ache.

I tried to get up and sit. My whole room is dimmed and only the rays of the sun who passed through the curtains lighted some parts of it.

I rubbed my eyes and turned on the lamp beside my bed.

I checked my clothes and I'm already wearing thick clothes and I'm starting to sweat. I pulled off the sheets and tried to get up but I ended up slumping myself on the bed.

Damn! Why do I feel so weak?

The door swung open and there he was. Holding a tray and wearing an unreadable expression with his face.

He took a step skeptically as he saw me already awake.

I closed my eyes as I remember what happened yesterday. He should've let me die so he can free himself from this isolated island. If I were him, I would've used the opportunity to escape. I wouldn't help a person—more of a stranger who kidnapped me with a crooked intention.

Damn. Di I just admitted that my plans and decisions are devious?

I heard him placed the tray on the side table and I was waiting him to go out and hear the door to creak but I heard nothing. Nothing but mere silence that almost made me deaf.

Various of questions are clouding my mind.

Did he realize that using of jet-ski to escape will get him nowhere?

I let a silent but a deep breath out before I opened my eyes.

He's still here. The lamp that served only to light up the room was enough to see his somber face. My eyes voluntarily gave up when he stared back to me. Giving me nothing but a blank response.

"Eat the soup while it's still hot." He says that made me gulped violently.

I reached for the spoon on the side-table and I cringe when it fell to the floor. Damn. Why do I suddenly felt intimidated with his presence?

He sighed and stood up. I stayed silent as I chew my bottom lip.

"Don't move, I'll get another spoon." He enunciates. His voice was full of authority. I don't know. It was effortless but I find it a bit amusing and scary and the same time.

He went back with a clean spoon and a glass of milk with his other hand.

I wonder how did he walks around the mansion without my bodyguards getting alerted.

He places the tray on the side of my bed and he pulls the chair with him.

I was about to get the spoon but I was glad with his grasp on it.

He stirred the soup and spooned just enough amount and blew it thrice—yes. I counted it.

I was about to choke with my own saliva when he places it near my mouth. I swear my eyes grew wider on what he did.

I willingly—or out of surprise ate on what's in the spoon.

What is he doing?

Taking care of his kidnapper? Are you kidding me?

He gave me few more spoons of soup until I felt full.

"I'm done." I said avoiding his gaze.

"Aright," He mumbles. "Drink the milk and get back to sleep. Rest well, Tamara." He said before leaving me alone in my room.

My lungs filled with air from the breaths that I'm holding back as he left the room. I just can't inhale the thick air when he said my name.

It echoed with my mind until I get tired and fell out to sleep.

The sun wasn't present when I woke up. It was replaced by the light coming from the moon.

I felt better but I'm still weak to get up.

I wanted to go out for a walk but I might just fall if I forced myself.

I sighed.

I stared at the empty ceiling and remembered what happened earlier.

First, he saved my life. I owe him big for that. I thought that it was the end. I thought I would just die that easily, without dramas and stuff.

Secondly, he feed me. That was more surprising! Maybe he's doing that or being nice so I can set him free. Wow. Very clever.

My heart skipped a beat when my door opened and he carefully closed it.

I can see his face even the room is dimmed. I gulped when he locked the door.

What is he doing?

He rushed to my bed and I was about to sit when he jumped over me.

Hovering me with his fine shoulders and firm arms.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I yelled.

My hearts beats so fast and my breathing became heavy.

"You want this, right?" He started kissing me violently and I tried to push him.

I did. But he's just too strong.

"Stop it!" I shouted as I'm trying to push him again. He locked my hands with his to stop me from moving.

"Stop.. Shawn." I mumbled as he kisses me forcely.

I can feel my knees go weak.

"You want this? Then I'll give it to you." He says. His eyes were burning with anger that made me scared.

His hands traveled down to my body as he kisses me.

"Please... stop." I can feel my eyes watering.

Yes. I do want this to happen. But not in this way.

Not that he's gone mad that he can almost kill me.

I can't move when he tore my clothes. My body felt so weak when he touches me.

I pleaded him to stop but he didn't listened.

He looked at me. His eyes screams for anger and hatred.

Tears flowed from my eyes endlessly when he removed my underwear.

I wasn't been touched by anyone since I was born. But now. I feel so used.

I bit my lower lip when he pushes himself inside of me.

I screamed in pain.

"Shawn.." I cried but he darted his eyes that was filled with fire to me.

Pain and pleasure started to build up in me.

"Please.. stop." I keep on repeating until he lays down beside me.

I'm catching my breaths and holding back my tears. My body felt sore and heavy.

But what made me cry more is when he said something.

"I'm.. I'm sorry."

Kidnapping Shawn Mendes (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now