Tagged... Again

16 2 5

Thank you so much TJKimvona-Chan for tagging me.

1. My favorite youtuber/s is PopularMmos, GamingwithJen, and aphmau.

2.I love chocolate icecream

3. I have 4 sisters and 1 brother.

4. I love horror movies.

5.I do really well in school. Favorite subject is math.

6. I love spaghetti 🍝 😍.

7. Im short 4ft 8.

8. Favorite band Twenty one pilots.

9.I love the color Purple.

10. I live in California.

Okay i tag:

I hate tags but i have to do another one yay!*sarcasm*
Thanks for tagging me twice TJKimvona-Chan

1. I ship Nalu all the way my favorite ship.
2. I love anime Naruto was the first one i watched. Thanks Bro for getting me addicted.
3. I am 11 years old.
4. I love to dance thats why i begged mom to let me in dance class and buy Just dance 2016 and 2017.
5. Im a 6th grader at emerson.
6. I love spicy foods and chips.
7. My name is Claudia in real life.
8. I have a lot of friends.
9. I love my friends because they love anime to so they dont get bored by me when i talk about anime.
10. I got homework over thanksgiving break that i have to do before i get in trouble and my math grade drops to a B so bye.

That was 20 facts thanks again for tagging me TJKimvona-Chan.

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