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I sometimes feel alone. I've become numb to certain people who had hurt me in the past. I sometimes get scared of myself. I feel so alone when I need someone to talk to the most. I try and try to keep everyone happy. And I try to please everyone. But when I need someone, no one is there. Today was one of those days. I hate fighting with people especially people I love. I wish people would listen to me and not jump to conclusions. I wish they wouldn't leave me even if I told them to. I cryed today for the first time in awhile. I remember repeating the words to myself "no one wants to listen to me" and "I'm a bad person" and "I'm worthless". When this happens I want to hurt myself. I don't self harm or anything, but I just sometimes wish I could. After a couple of hours of crying my nose began to bleed. I screamed "no!!!! Help me!!!! Please!!!". My mom ran to me and helped me. Then I told her how I felt and she helped me get through it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2017 ⏰

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