Trapped in paradise

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Chapter 1

The great palace doors were flung open and two hefty guards entered the hall, dragging along a scruffy teenage boy. Blood oozed from a gash in his arm and a large bruise covered his left cheek.

Heads turned as the boy was paraded along the aisle and roughly made to kneel at the king's feet.

"Who is this, Houston?" demanded the king.

"Your majesty, the scum was found trying to steal from the royal orchards. Almost got away away with,if it it weren't for Jared 'ere. "

The other guard nodded proudly. "That be true, ye Majesty. I guard those orchards with me life, Sire. Mind, the boy wasn't alone. There were a couple o' other street rags with 'im. Managed to escape. ".

The King nodded. The only thing more dear to him than his orchards was his only daughter, Ariana.

The sprawling orchards had been the Queen's pride and joy, and after her death, the King swore to take utmost care of it.

" How old are you, boy?"asked the King.

The boy glared but didn't respond. Houston kicked him in the side "Answer the question,ye filth. "

"Seventeen ." he mumbled.

"I see. The standard punishment for this offence is a couple of years in prison but since the boy is not yet eighteen I think fifty lashes should set him straight, right Jared?"

"Absolutely yer Honour, without doubt."

The boy's stony glare did not waver.

"But if you name the others with you, we might pass this off as a warning." said the King.

But the King might have been talking to the walls for the response he received.

"No? Alright, as you wish boy. Take him away. "

The boy's hands were chained together and the guards led him led him out.


On the other side of the palace, morning sunlight shone through cracks in the velvet of curtains of Ariana's bedroom. On a large four poster bed, with satin sheets and the softest pillows lay a fair haired girl, around sixteen or seventeen years of age.

Ariana eyes fluttered open as the sun's rays grazed her face. She rose and looked around her massive chamber with a resigned expression.

It was to be another royal day in the royal palace of Atacia. Long live the King.

Then there was a knock on the door.

"Come in Riya."

The door opened and a young maid entered the room. "Good to see you awake already Miss. Lord Mcaulay wishes you to dine with him this morning."

" Thank you Riya. I'll be down in quarter of an hour. " replied Ariana, heading to her massive dressing table.

The maid did a quick curtsy and left, shutting the door behind her.

Ariana washed her face in cold water and grabbed a simple silk gown with lace sleeves.She ignored the rows of jewellery and make up before her and simply grabbed a comb. She quickly changed into the gown and braided her blond locks. The princess of Atacia was probably the only noblewoman in the land who dressed herself.

She made her way down to the dining room and sat down at the large mahogany table. She scarcely noticed the array of delicacies spread out before her. Creamy white milk in gold tumblers and the softest bread of several types lay before her. There then were those rare fruits from all across the land coated with honey and sugar which she often slipped into her napkin to take back to Riya.

" Good morning, Father. " she greeted the King who sat across her.

"Morning Ariana." replied the King, smiling. "What plans for today?"

"The usual. Miss Everdeen is to teach me literature this afternoon and I thought I might go riding this evening. "

"Ah I see. Well enjoy yourself and take Riya with you when you ride."

"Of course Father. " Ariana sighed.

"Do not look so glum, my dear. It is to ensure your safety. "

"I know." Ariana said, picking at her food. She'd given up arguing about it a long time ago. After the Queen's death Ariana lost more than a mother. She lost her freedom.

Her father had been most deeply affected and his greatest fear was losing his daughter. So he never let her leave the palace grounds after that. Instead he gave her all the luxuries money and power could buy.

" Riya told me yesterday that you are leaving the palace."

"Yes, that's right. There are some issues at the Skandania border that require my personal attention." said King Leonard as he reached for another slice of bread."But I shan't be gone longer than a week or two. And of course, Houston will be incharge."

Ariana scowled. "I cannot stand the very sight of him, you know that, Father."

"Now, now. Don't be like that, Ariana. He has been of great of help to me and I can't imagine what I'd do without him."

Ariana bit back a smarting comment and chose not to respond. The rest of the meal was spent in silence, aside from the occasional clinks of silverware.

Ariana hurriedly excused herself as she longed to be out in the royal gardens. She took the most deserted route to the palace back doors, so as not to encounter anyone.

These solitary morning walks were part of her daily routine and she was heavily adverse to any intrusion at this time.

She roamed through the variety of flowers and plant life, heading no where in particular. The path twisted and branched out ahead of her, and she followed it, gaily, removing her hat and enjoying the the warmth of the sun on her face.

At that moment, from around the corner she heard a loud voice barking commands along with the metallIc clanking of chains.

"Get a'move on! We don't have all day!"

She made the turn and was rather surprised at what she saw. The voice had belonged to Houston, who dragged by his side a bedraggled man with his wrists in shackles. Behind the two walked, or thundered rather, a massive hulk of a man whose figure was ripped with muscles. He flourished a long leather whip in one of his hands.

"The Royal executioner" thought Ariana. "So the man in chains must be some sort of criminal."

Ariana eyed him curiously wondering what his offence might have been. But as the trio approached closer to where she was standing, she realised that the prisoner was but much younger than she had thought.

"He can hardly be over eighteen!".

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2014 ⏰

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