Schools out!!!

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*Jack's POV* Jack just got out of school finishing his last year at his high school, he didn't really have many friends and the ones he had were Wade, Bob, and Mark. Jack waited for his friends at the door as they were going to go out for drinks since this was a big day for all of them, just as Jack thought they ditched him the 3 friends caught his eye he looked at them. "What took you so long?!" Mark stepped forward to Jack with soaked hair which was dripping and rang it out.

*Mark's POV* Mark Walked the halls Before school had ended and had to use the bathroom, he went in and look in the mirror as the jocks that got held back a few times meaning they were older then him. they saw Mark smirked at each other, the two jocks picked mark up by his feet and dunked his head in the toilet bowl until wade and bob came in stopping them. Mark stood up thanked the two as the walked out to. 

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