I woke up and I felt someone next to me I then turn and see it is moony my soon to be husband and father of my to children. I looked at my ring and sigh and felt sick so I ran to the toilet and I must of woke moony as I heard him follow me and hold my hair back after I was done I went to change into my uniform but it was to small so I put on leggings and my favourite top with a muggle bands called little mix on.
"moony my uniform don't for any more I need to go to dumbledor can you come with me" I ask
"sure izzy if you want we can go after breakfast so do you want anything?"
"ummmmmmm mangos please"
Howler hates mango but okay I get her the mango and she ate it
we left our home and headed to dumbledor and he let us in
"Hello Izzy , remus how are my grandchildren doingand congratulations on the engagement by the way"
" thank you sir the children are doing fine " Izzy told sir
"now now izzy call me albus you to Remus"
" okay albus I was wondering if I could have a new uniform my doesn't fit any more"
"now miss potter would you prefer if I let you wear your own clothes instead? "
"thank you so much albus"
"have a nice Saturday to you both"

Love Is........ (remus Lupin Love)
FanfictionRemus lupin werewolf Wizard Monster? He is none of the above He is Kind Caring A good freind In,love